[comp.sys.cbm] List of magazines & books

technews@iitmax.iit.edu (Tech News Account) (03/15/91)

Index of Magazines I have, at $1.25-$1.00 each + shipping

Compute's Gazette    AHOY!    RUN! magazine   COMMODORE/pp
  05/85  09/86                 06/85  07/86     05/86
  06/85  11/86       09/85     08/85  09/86     06/86
  07/85  01/87       10/85     09/85  11/86     08/86
  08/85  08/87       01/86     10/85  01/87     10/86
  09/85  02/88       03/86     12/85  04/87     01/87
  10/85  03/88       06/86     SP/86  09/87     02/87
  12/85  05/88       04/88     01/86  SP/88     01/88
  01/86  06/88       10/88     02/86  01/88     05/88
  02/86  08/88       11/88     04/86  01/89     11/88
  05/86  12/88                 05/86  04/89     12/88
  06/86  06/89                 06/86  05/90

Commodore International ($1.50) 11/88 12/88 2/89 5/89  IMPORTED FROM
ZZap! c64/Amiga        ($1.50)   1/89                     THE U.K.
Compute! March 1986
Compute's 1st and 3rd books of C64 $6.00/each   (I *had* #2- somewhere)

   I'll include a couple random diskettes with any large purchase of
magazines. Most likely nothing relevant (I do have a couple COMPUTE'S
disks somewhere I can include) to the particular magazine(s).

            First come first serve- for a FAST response,
            Call me at (312) 743-6806 anytime March 16-23

   Quality varies, price will be adjusted for damage beyond cosmetic.
Many magazines are missing the BACK cover, a couple miss the FRONT cover
(AHOY! used cheap bindings) Commodore and C= int'l are all in prime
Technology News- IIT`s weekly student newspaper. Subscriptions available.
kadokev@iitvax.bitnet                            technews@iitmax.edu
                        My employer disagrees.