[comp.sys.cbm] Commodore and other Books

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (03/23/91)

I am selling my entire library of Commodore books, along with a few
other "generic" computer books.  All prices are NOT including shipping,
so please add about $1.50 per book to the total.
I still have the following books for sale. (3-22-91)

                  Commodore Specific Books
Title                                   Pub/Author       Price
1541 Troubleshooting/Repair             Sams             $12.00
1541 User's Guide                       Neufeld          $10.00
Advanced Game Design for C64            Schwenk           $5.00
Advanced Programming Techniques C64     Lawrence          $6.00
All About the Commodore C64             Compute!          $6.00
Big Tip Book for C64                    Beagle Bros.      $8.00
C128 Assembly Language Programming      Sams             $12.00
C128 Troubleshooting/Repair             Sams             $12.00
C64/128 Assembly Language Programming   Sams             $10.00
C64 Puzzlements                         Kohl              $3.00
C64 Troubleshooting/Repair              Sams             $10.00
Complete Course in BASIC Programming    CBM              $10.00
 (includes 3 disks)
Creating Arcade Games for C64           Compute!          $7.00
Data File Handler for C64               Compute!          $5.00
First Book of C64                       Compute!          $6.00
Getting the Most from the C64           Onosko            $6.00
Kids and the Commodore 64               Compute!          $6.00
Printer Book for C64                    Abacus            $7.00
Second Book of Commodore 64             Compute!          $6.00
Telecomputing on the C64                Compute!          $6.00
                        Other Books
Title                                   Pub/Author       Price
1001 Things to do with your PC          Sawusch           $2.00
34 Game Programs in BASIC               Horn              $2.00
A To Z Book of Computer Games           McIntire          $2.00
BASIC Computer Games TRS-80 Ed.         Radio Shack       $1.00
BASIC Handbook                          Lien             $15.00
Best of Creative Computing Vol I        Ahl               $3.00
Best of Creative Computing Vol II       Ahl               $3.00
Computers for Everybody                 Willis            $3.00
Crash Course in Microcomputers          Sams              $5.00
Game Playing with BASIC                 Spencer           $3.00
Giant Book of Computer Software         Tab               $2.00
Machine Language for Beginners          Compute!          $8.00
Making BASIC Work for You               DeRossi           $2.00
More BASIC Computer Games               Ahl               $3.00

Don Gladden
PO Box 247
Fullerton, CA  92632
     I   Don Gladden              **   ------------------------   I
     I   CTUNA@cup.portal.com     **   "Sex  is like pizza"....   I
     I   CTUNA on Q-Link          **    when  it's  good,  it's   I
     I   Co-author of IMAGE BBS   **    GREAT... when it's bad,   I
     I   for the  Commodore 64!   **    it's STILL pretty good!   I