kudla@rpi.edu (Robert J. Kudla) (03/26/91)
Can someone please tell me a number to call to cancel my Qlink service? I've packed up and sent off my C128 and pretty well all its materials, and I don't have a record anywhere of what number to call. Toll-free directory assistance was no help at all. Can someone mail or post the number? Thanks....
CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (03/26/91)
Sure! Number is: 1-800-392-8200 :D Don //////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I Don Gladden ** ------------------------ I I CTUNA@cup.portal.com ** "Sex is like pizza".... I I CTUNA on Q-Link ** when it's good, it's I I Co-author of IMAGE BBS ** GREAT... when it's bad, I I for the Commodore 64! ** it's STILL pretty good! I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////