[comp.sys.cbm] Commodore Stuff REPOST

defreese@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu (Barry DeFreese) (04/03/91)

From: defreese@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu (Barry DeFreese)
Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers
Subject: Commodore Periphs
Distribution: in
Organization: Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University

I have the  following items for sale if anyone is interested!!

      ITEM                      PRICE
      1670 1200bps Modem	 $????
      MPS-803 Dot Matrix Printer $????  Make an offer??
      Koala Pad                  $????

I do have the manuals for both and emulating software for the modem!!!

I am moving soon and need to get rid of this stuff, so no reasonable offer
Barry deFreese 				defreese@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu
Technician, LCPL USMCR, Student		defreese@vm.cc.purdue.edu
For those who fight for it, life has a special flavor, the protected 
never know!!        Found on an unknown Marines K-rat box, Khe-Sahn.