[comp.sys.cbm] VT*00 emulator

bnh5940@venus.tamu.edu (Blaine Hufnagle) (04/14/91)

This may be an FAQ, but Is it possible to get a vt*00 emulator (preferably 
a vt200) for the 64?  Also, I have a Volksmodem 6420(?) that won't dial.  
Does it use standard 1650 protocols to dial or do I have to have some funky 
term prog to make it work.  one last thing...(  ;)  )  How can I tell if my 
parallel port is screwed?  I've tried several modems, and none of them 
work.  I think my parallel port is fried, but I'm not sure.

*  Blaine Hufnagle    aka Ironman    aka Shadow    VAX-Lord at your service  *
*    Bus Driver Extraordinaire    Bodybuilder From HELL    Quartz Junkie     * 
*      Texas Aggie Bus Drivers:        *  BNH5940@TAMZEUS     ZEUS::BNH5940  *
* Diesel Powered and Ready to Drive!   *  BNH5940@ZEUS.TAMU.EDU       %-/    *