[comp.sys.cbm] Unusual 64/128 BBS

cosc13va@jetson.uh.edu (91H0862) (06/24/91)

  I run a rather unusual BBS on my C=128(in 64 mode though).

  It sports online MUSIC in real time(full 3 voice, with total envelope
control), sprite control, character set control(including animated characters)
joystick control while online, total screen control, the 128 <esc> screen
control codes(for windowing online and so forth).

  If your interested, its at (713) 682-1766, or my sister BBS is at
  (713) 568-6435.  both are 24hrs and 1200 baud.

  I'd be at a higher baud rate, but just upgraded to an Amiga, and am currently
planning on rewritting my software to work on the Amiga line of computers.  

])arrell (             University of Houston            // **-Amiga-**
          )pice Jr.      Comp. Sci. Major           \\ //  More BANG for
(713)-682-1766 BBS     COSC13VA@JETSON.UH.EDU        \X/   for the buck!

treesh@vangogh.helios.nd.edu (06/27/91)

What kind of terminal program would one need to call such a BBS with?
