[comp.org.decus] RT-11 PD editors?

fnf@mcdsun.UUCP (11/05/86)

In article <726@sdcc12.ucsd.EDU> st94wb@sdcc12.ucsd.EDU (wade blomgren) writes:
>I need information on text editors that will run on an LS-11 (64kb memory)
>running RT-11 version 4.0  Currently the people  who use the system have
>'edit' (line editor) and TECO. Most of the terminals are non-DEC, but
>Is there EMACS for RT-11? Public Domain? Would it work with non-dec terminals

About 8 years ago I worked in a similar environment and wrote a small
emacs subset editor in TECO macros that ran on a PDP-11/23.  I doubt there
is enough interest to justify posting it again (was posted to net.sources
about 3 years ago).  I anyone needs a copy I will try to fill requests,
as long as the number of such doesn't get out of hand.  Perhaps someone
could submit this package to DECUS for me, as I no longer have access to
any vender proprietary operating systems (except AmigaDos :-).

Fred Fish  Motorola Computer Division, 3013 S 52nd St, Tempe, Az 85282  USA
{mcdsun,well}!fnf    (602) 438-5976