greid@adobe.UUCP (Glenn Reid) (01/01/87)
I am looking for a good C compiler (with library) and a decent screen editor for the DEC Rainbow 100+. I would actually love to get some version of Unix running on this machine, but with a good enough C compiler, I might eventually be able to do it myself. I am an emacs fan, and if anyone knows of any version of emacs which will run on this machine, I would prefer that to other kinds of screen editors, but anything is better than "EDLIN", the default MS-DOS editor on the Rainbow. Thanks for any information anyone might have. Glenn Reid Adobe Systems ..{sun,decwrl,labrea}!adobe!greid or greid@adobe.COM
campbell@maynard.BSW.COM (Larry Campbell) (01/02/87)
In article <2014@adobe.UUCP> greid@adobe.UUCP (Glenn Reid) writes: >I am looking for a good C compiler (with library) and a decent >screen editor for the DEC Rainbow 100+. > >I would actually love to get some version of Unix running on >this machine, but with a good enough C compiler, I might >eventually be able to do it myself. > >I am an emacs fan, and if anyone knows of any version of emacs >which will run on this machine, I would prefer that to other >kinds of screen editors, but anything is better than "EDLIN", >the default MS-DOS editor on the Rainbow. As noted in a recent posting to mod.newprod, my company (The Boston Software Works) is now selling an enhanced version of VENIX/Rainbow. We include Jove, a really decent and fast subset of EMACS, with our version of VENIX/Rainbow. We also have ported 2.11 news and rn to VENIX (small changes were required) and can supply them on request. A copy of the blurb from mod.newprod follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Boston Software Works (BSW) is now distributing an improved version of VENIX/Rainbow. VENIX/Rainbow is a complete UNIX(tm) system for the DEC Rainbow 100, developed by VenturCom, Inc. of Cambridge, Mass. It is a V7-based system, with extensions such as plot(3) drivers for the Rainbow color graphics board and DEC LA50 printer, semaphores, and shared memory. Standard VENIX/Rainbow requires and supports the DEC RD51 winchester disk (10MB) only. The Boston Software Works enhancements to VENIX/Rainbow include: 1) Support for any disk physically connectible to the Rainbow. Our development system runs a 70MB Micropolis disk. 2) Virtual consoles, as found in VENIX on IBM-compatible machines, and also in XENIX and Microport System V/AT. 3) Support for the NEC V20 chip, which replaces the Intel 8088 for a 10-15% performance gain. 4) Support for simultaneous use of a monochrome display (for terminal/console use) and a color graphics display (for graphics). 5) Ports (on an as-is basis) of several public domain programs, such as the Usenet news software, rn, smail, and Jove, an excellent EMACS subset. 6) Support for the CHS dual-winchester controller. The price (single copy) for VENIX/Rainbow is $795 and includes a complete manual set. For more information, contact: The Boston Software Works, Inc. 120 Fulton Street Boston, MA 02109 Tel. (617) 367-6846 or send mail to one of the addresses listed in the signature below. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Larry Campbell The Boston Software Works, Inc. Internet: campbell@maynard.uucp 120 Fulton Street, Boston MA 02109 uucp: {alliant,wjh12}!maynard!campbell +1 617 367 6846 ARPA: MCI: LCAMPBELL
davidsen@steinmetz.UUCP (01/02/87)
In article <2014@adobe.UUCP> greid@adobe.UUCP (Glenn Reid) writes: >I am looking for a good C compiler (with library) and a decent >screen editor for the DEC Rainbow 100+. Try Microsoft. > >I would actually love to get some version of Unix running on >this machine, but with a good enough C compiler, I might >eventually be able to do it myself. Someone posted a note saying that there was now a version of a UNIX-like system which you can get for about $39 (manual) and $79 (source). That would be a good starting point. Or you could just buy VENIX (I have not used this, they told me it was available). > >I am an emacs fan, and if anyone knows of any version of emacs >which will run on this machine, I would prefer that to other >kinds of screen editors, but anything is better than "EDLIN", >the default MS-DOS editor on the Rainbow. MicroEMACS seems to work on the 100, I assume it would run on the 100+. I can't mail it thru my usual connections because of size, but have been giving uucp access to my home system for those who want source to things. It was on the net and can be gotten via ARPA, if either of those help.
klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) (01/03/87)
In article <2014@adobe.UUCP> greid@adobe.UUCP (Glenn Reid) writes: >I am looking for a good C compiler (with library) and a decent >screen editor for the DEC Rainbow 100+. > >I would actually love to get some version of Unix running on >this machine, but with a good enough C compiler, I might >eventually be able to do it myself. > >I am an emacs fan, and if anyone knows of any version of emacs >which will run on this machine, I would prefer that to other >kinds of screen editors, but anything is better than "EDLIN", >the default MS-DOS editor on the Rainbow. Not to knock the FINE commercial products out there, but there is a P/D implementation of uEMACS for the Rainbow that can be downloaded from Fido 109/483 (The Pot of Gold) at 703-359-6549. The commercial products are much better. Obviously, you gets what you pays for. However, you may want to try the P/D stuff and then spring for the commercial versions. I also have DED available on 109/483, as well as a lot of other good generic and Rainbow specific software. Kurt Reisler ============================================================================ UNISIG Chairman, DECUS US Chapter | Hadron, Inc. ..{seismo|sundc|rlgvax|dtix|decuac}!hadron!klr | 9990 Lee Highway Sysop, Fido 109/74 The Bear's Den (703) 671-0598 | Suite 481 Sysop, Fido 109/483 Wash-A-RUG (703) 359-6549 | Fairfax, VA 22030 ============================================================================
phr@mit-hermes.AI.MIT.EDU (Paul Rubin) (01/03/87)
In article <409@hadron.UUCP> klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) writes: >Not to knock the FINE commercial products out there, but there is a P/D >implementation of uEMACS for the Rainbow that can be downloaded from >Fido 109/483 (The Pot of Gold) at 703-359-6549. The commercial >products are much better. Obviously, you gets what you pays for. >However, you may want to try the P/D stuff and then spring for the >commercial versions. I also have DED available on 109/483, as well as >a lot of other good generic and Rainbow specific software. GNU Emacs unfortunately doens't run on the Rainbow (needs more address space), but generally you spread a commonly believed mistruth when you say commercial software is "obviously" better than free software. Please don't let yourself be indoctrinated like this--- think about it first. I don't know of any commercial screen editor nearly as good as GNU Emacs. We are going to release a free, retargetable, super optimizing C compiler soon (again, too big for a PDP-11 -- sorry). It generates substantially better code than any commercial compiler we have compared it with. Paul Rubin Free Software Foundation (sometimes)