[comp.org.decus] UniSig Tape

Glenn_M_Powell@cup.portal.com (12/02/87)

I've heard mention of a new UNISIG tape that might(hopefully) be ready
for this month's convention.  Will it be available from the DECUS libraries
or will it come from inside UNISIG?

I unfortuneatly am not getting to go this time so I need for an associate
to pick it up for me and I don't want to let him screw it up.

thanx in advance,
Glenn Powell(gpowell@umkcvax1.bitnet)

cdl@mplvax.UUCP (12/03/87)

In article <1729@cup.portal.com> Glenn_M_Powell@cup.portal.com writes:
>I've heard mention of a new UNISIG tape that might(hopefully) be ready
>for this month's convention.  Will it be available from the DECUS libraries
>or will it come from inside UNISIG?

This is your UNISIG Librarian speaking.  There has been a UNISIG tape
in existence since the previous DECUS symposium (Spring '87).  It has
been submitted both to the DECUS library and to the LUG tape distribution
tree, and should be available from either.

However, to my knowledge, neither of these places has figured out how to
copy a 'tar' tape using a VMS system, so they are all stalling.  I hope
to give things a good healthy prod during next week's symposium, so that
the software can be distributed before it dies of bit rot.

	carl lowenstein		marine physical lab	u.c. san diego
	{ihnp4|decvax|dcdwest|ucbvax}	!sdcsvax!mplvax!cdl

mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (12/04/87)

| This is your UNISIG Librarian speaking.  There has been a UNISIG tape
| in existence since the previous DECUS symposium (Spring '87).  It has
| been submitted both to the DECUS library and to the LUG tape distribution
| tree, and should be available from either.
| However, to my knowledge, neither of these places has figured out how to
| copy a 'tar' tape using a VMS system, so they are all stalling.  I hope

Maybe they should get DEC/Shell if they can't get a Decus tar.  (DEC/Shell
comes with a tar program)

Mike Khaw
internet:  mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
usenet:	   {uunet|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|uw-beaver}!mkhaw%teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
USnail:	   Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303
internet:  mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
usenet:	   {uunet|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|uw-beaver}!mkhaw%teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
USnail:	   Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303

awr@tybalt.caltech.edu (Bruce Rossiter) (12/04/87)

mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Mike Khaw) writes:
cdl@mplvax.nosc.MIL (Carl Lowenstein) writes:
>| This is your UNISIG Librarian speaking.  There has been a UNISIG tape
>| in existence since the previous DECUS symposium (Spring '87).  It has
>| been submitted both to the DECUS library and to the LUG tape distribution
>| tree, and should be available from either.
>| However, to my knowledge, neither of these places has figured out how to
>| copy a 'tar' tape using a VMS system, so they are all stalling.  I hope
>Maybe they should get DEC/Shell if they can't get a Decus tar.  (DEC/Shell
>comes with a tar program)

	I don't know about a DECUS tar, but I have a Public Domain tar for VMS
from Sid Penstone at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.  I have used it
with *no* problems for moving from a VMS 4.5 machine to a BSD4.3 VAX and back.
If anyone out there needs a copy, they can drop me a line and I'll send it
out (specify preferred format please!).


ARPAnet  awr@tybalt.caltech.edu
BITNET   awr@caltech.BITNET
UUCP    {amdahl,rutgers}!cit-vax!tybalt.caltech.edu!awr

cdl@mplvax.nosc.MIL (Carl Lowenstein) (12/04/87)

In article <19337@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Mike Khaw) writes:
+| This is your UNISIG Librarian speaking.  There has been a UNISIG tape
+| in existence since the previous DECUS symposium (Spring '87).  It has
+| been submitted both to the DECUS library and to the LUG tape distribution
+| tree, and should be available from either.
+| However, to my knowledge, neither of these places has figured out how to
+| copy a 'tar' tape using a VMS system, so they are all stalling.  I hope
+Maybe they should get DEC/Shell if they can't get a Decus tar.  (DEC/Shell
+comes with a tar program)
+Mike Khaw
+internet:  mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
+usenet:   {uunet|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|uw-beaver}!mkhaw%teknowledge-vaxc.arpa

I didn't say they could not read and understand a 'tar' tape.  I said they
could not copy one.  That is, make an image copy of a tape with the
complicated file structure consisting of a large number of 10240-byte
records followed by two file marks. 

	carl lowenstein		marine physical lab	u.c. san diego
	{ihnp4|decvax|ucbvax}	!sdcsvax!mplvax!cdl

d2b@rayssd.RAY.COM (Donald A. Borsay) (01/08/88)

Sorry I missed the orginal discussion, but apparently 
Bruce Rossiter, Mike Khaw, and Carl Lowenstein where all talking about
the existance of a UNISIG Spring '87 SIG tape.  Well, I am the
Tape Librarian for the Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Local
Users Group (CRIMLUG), and I know I got it thru the LUG tape distribution
tree.  Last time I looked, however, the DECUS Library didn't know how
to catalog it (it ain't for VMS, so where does it go?!).

Tape copy of all these odd tape formats can be a real bitch, unless you
have facilities like I do here at Raytheon.  We have this neat Unix
program (yeah, someone could do the same for VMS, but I'm glad I didn't
have to) that does a logical block copy of a tape.  Works fine, even copies
between different density tapes.  Anyways, if anyone really needs a place
to send for a tape copy, I'll handle it here.  Please mail me for details.

As a side note, Rich Salz, moderator of the USENET newsgroup MOD.SOURCES 
(renamed to COMP.SOURCES.UNIX), has kindly provided me with an archive tape of 
contributions made to that newsgroup from late 1984 to May of 1987.  
Thanks Rich!  The contributions are contained on one 2400 foot, 1600 bpi tape, \
written in UNIX TAR format.  If anyone is interested, I have a summary of
what's on the tape.

Don    |Raytheon Company, Submarine Signal Division, Portsmouth, RI
Borsay |ARPAnet: d2b%rayssd.RAY.COM@a.cs.uiuc.edu
       |UUCPmail: {allegra, decvax!brunix, linus!raybed2}!rayssd!d2b