[comp.org.decus] Looking for WT78 software and documentation

thierbac@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Ed Thierbach ) (01/20/88)


I just found an old DEC system amongst the old desks and such in my company's
storeroom, and I'm looking for software, docs and general assistance with it.

It looks like a word-processing system.  The heart of it all is a WT78 "Word
Terminal", which looks like a VT52 with fancy-colored keys.  It has a pair
of RX01 floppy drives, and a pair of RX02s as well.  Top it all off with an
equally ancient letter-quality printer (a Diablo, but maybe they made it for
DEC) built into its own desk.

The Problem:  no software or documentation.  If anyone knows where I can get
some, please let me know.  Free sources are best, since my boss doesn't want
to spend any money on the thing...but nothing illegal, please!

Thanks in advance for your help...

Ed Thierbach
VAX System Manager (and self-appointed WT78 caretaker)
Roy F. Weston, Inc.

Since my machines aren't connected to anyone, I make frequent use of guest

Internet/Arpanet:  thierbac@umbc3.umd.edu
Bitnet:            ED@UC780
TwistedPairNet:    (202)-646-6800

leichter@yale.UUCP (Jerry Leichter) (01/22/88)

The WT78 is a PDP-8 with a fair amount of memory (for an 8!), disks
drives, and a VT52.  The standard word-processing software for it is
WPS (maybe WPS-78).  It should also be able to run OS-8.

This software should still be available from DEC, though you may have to
pay extra if it is considered obsolete and has been archived.

							-- Jerry