[comp.org.decus] Future DECUS Symposia

ray@blipyramid.BLI.COM (Ray Gebbie) (01/18/89)

Does someone know the planned locations and dates for future DECUS symposia
over the next 2 or 3 years?

ted@blia.BLI.COM (Ted Marshall) (01/18/89)

In article <93@blipyramid.BLI.COM>, ray@blipyramid.BLI.COM (Ray Gebbie) writes:
> Does someone know the planned locations and dates for future DECUS symposia
> over the next 2 or 3 years?

Gee Ray, you could have just called me and saved some net bandwidth.

	Atlanta, GA	May 8-12, 1989

	Anaheim, CA	November 6-10, 1989

	New Orleans, LA	May 7-11, 1990

That's all I have. Someone who went to the last Fall DECUS should be able
to give you the Fall 1990 info. I don't have it. Beyond that, anyone know?

Ted Marshall       ...!ucbvax!mtxinu!blia!ted <or> mtxinu!blia!ted@Berkeley.EDU
Britton Lee, Inc., 14600 Winchester Blvd, Los Gatos, Ca 95030     (408)378-7000
The opinions expressed above are those of the poster and not his employer.