[comp.org.decus] Latest DECUS Library status update

bobp@tekcae.CAX.TEK.COM (Robert N. Perry (Sky Scum)) (01/28/89)

The following are two DECUS library status reports showing new
programs available from the DECUS library.
	To reach the DECUS library, use the address:
DECUS Program Library
219 Boston Post Road
Marlboro, Mass. 01752-1850  USA
	Programs are distributed for media/copying charges that are more
or less in line with what universities charge.  This is needed because they
have to pay some fulltime staff, pay for machines & maintenance, and the
costs of catalogs, etc. Not cheap. They get partial subsidies from DEC to
help with this, so costs aren't as high as they could be. However, Columbia
charges $100/tape for Kermit, you pay $150 for CMU TCP/IP, and so on; DECUS
charges are comparable. Also, SIG tapes can be obtained free from your LUG
as well as the DECUS library. 
	This information is provided so if you want any of these programs,
you don't have to wait for a catalog to appear.
	Glenn Everhart (Everhart%Arisia.decnet@GE-CRD.arpa)
FROM:	   Betty Cadieux 
DATE:	   January 16, 1989 

                                 ATTACHMENT C
                             PROGRAM AVAILABILITY

Following are the new or revised (R) programs since the distribution of the 
1988/1989 catalog.  The * indicates revisions to new programs that have been 
announced through these status reports. 


VAX-LIB-9	The VAX Library Collection 9
V-SP-24(R)	AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc): A 3D Spreadsheet/Database System 
V-SP-53(R)	Kermit Distribution
V-SP-83		Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Part 1 of 2, 
		Fall 1988, Anaheim
V-SP-84		Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Part 2 of 2,
		Fall 1988, Anaheim
VAX-361(R)*	GO
VAX-385		EDX Editor
VAX-386		UH/UM/UT Device Drivers for VMS
VAX-387		TPUPlus

VAX-LIB-9     The VAX Library Collection 9  Version: 1988/1989
Keywords: Library Tapes - VMS

Abstract: The VAX Library Collection 9 contains programs VAX-295, 
VAX-297, VAX-302, VAX-313 through VAX-316, VAX-318 through 
VAX-327, VAX-329, VAX-330, VAX-332 through VAX-334, VAX-336 
through VAX-340, VAX-342, VAX-344 through VAX-346, VAX-348 
through VAX-354, and VAX-356 through VAX-359.  The dates of 
these submissions are from December 1987 to August 1988. 

Release Notes are distributed with each order. 

Documentation may or may not be on magnetic media. Complete sources
not included.

Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EC), 2400' Magnetic Tape
(PC)  Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TC)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

V-SP-24     AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc): A 3D Spreadsheet/Database System
in VMS/BACKUP  Version: 23.2A, January 1989

Author: Glenn C. Everhart, Ph.D.

Operating System: AMIGA DOS, IAS, MS/DOS V2, MicroVMS, RSX-11M,
RSX-11M-PLUS, VAX/VMS  Source Language: FORTRAN 77, MACRO-11, MACRO-32
Keywords: Business Applications, Data Base Management, Mathematical,
PortaCalc, Spreadsheet

*****Please NOTE!! This is a later version of AnalytiCalc than
*****appears on the Fall 1988 VAX SIG tapes!!!

Abstract: AnalytiCalc is a powerful three dimensional
spreadsheet/database and analysis system with easy user
extensibility designed to outperform most any commercial package
available, running on PDP-11 systems able to support the F4P
compiler, or VAX systems, needing the VAX FORTRAN compiler to
compile.  Several terminals are supported, including the VT100
series, VT2xx and VT3xx, VT52, Datamedia Colorscan 10, and Elite
1500, Televideo 925, and ANSI color terminals.  A full DTR-32
interface is supported on VAX and a command mode structure
similar to Visicalc or other micro spreadsheets is available as
an option.  Address range maxima are 32,000 rows and 32,000
columns on VAX, 10,000 by 10,000 on PDP-11 (using software
virtual memory on PDP-11).  A mode for "connecting" arbitrary VAX
applications to AnalytiCalc is now available also with simple
syntax and numerous supporting new string functions. 

The program is designed for power and to be easily portable 
to other systems supporting FORTRAN, with peculiarities used 
documented, and its manual is designed to be turned into a 
system HELP file so that it can be read online. Tutorials 
are supplied as well. 

A data management system interface is built in, permitting 
spreadsheets to access a potentially unlimited number of files 
and records or parts of records in those files for user defined 
functions, numbers, formulas, text or whatnot.  In fact, it 
has many of the attributes of a language.  Every cell may 
contain far more complex formulas than most commercially 
sold programs, and indeed may be a complete program with the 
ability to execute most command-level spreadsheet commands, 
though with minor restrictions. 

Merging of multiple sheets, matrix algebra, general function 
solving (a la TK!SOLVER, though with a less polished user 
interface), and easy document load/unload make this 
spreadsheet very significantly more powerful than all but 
the most elaborate mainframe packages, and infinitely easier 
to customize.  User commands may be entered via keyword or 
function key and are provided with a comprehensive HELP 
system permitting users to individually tailor commands to 
their needs. 

A powerful text integration function permits integration of 
word processing files with reports, permitting use of 
AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc) to integrate sections of reports 
which are edited with any editor.  It also simplifies 
inserting text from external files flexibly over null cells 
of the spreadsheet. 

This package runs on PDP-11, or on VAX in NATIVE MODE. 
Versions have been built for RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS, VMS and 
RSTS, though supplied build files are for the RSX and VMS 
versions only.  Speed of the VAX versions is higher than 
many of the expensive commercial VAX versions. An AMIGA and a 
MS/DOS version of AnalytiCalc are presented here also. 

Several new trig functions and some bulletproofing 
corrections have been added to this version, plus some new 
code speedups. 

The ability to call UNMODIFIED FORTRAN callable subroutines 
(plus a few hundred example routines) has been added, and 
performance for really huge VAX sheets has been improved via 
better hashing methods.  It is now trivial to add almost any 
desired functionality to AnalytiCalc. 

A "binary" save/load option speeds up these operations by a 
factor of three and other optimizations speed up the save 
operation still more in this version. 

Release Notes are distributed with each order. 

Notes:  PDP-11 users see DECUS No. 11-SP-47 for an older version.
Complete source code for all versions is provided.   It is assumed the
user has the F4P or F77 compiler for the PDP-11 or the VAX FORTRAN
compiler for the VAX.  Object libraries are provided for VAX systems
not owning FORTRAN, and task images for RSX systems without F77.

Changes and Improvements:  Added huge VAX version.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tape (PC)  Format:
VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TC)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

V-SP-53     KERMIT Distribution  Version: December 1988
Author: Various

Submitted by: Glenn C. Everhart, Ph.D.

Operating System: CP/M, IAS, MICRO/RSTS, MICRO/RSX, MS/DOS, Micro/VMS,
OS/278, P/OS, RSTS/E, RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS, RT-11, TOPS-10, TOPS-20,
MACRO-11, MACRO-32, PASCAL  Keywords: Data Communications, KERMIT

Abstract: This tape collection contains a VMS Backup distribution made 
from a KERMIT distribution from Columbia University dated 
December 13, 1988.  The tape collection contains all KERMITS known 
to Columbia as of that date plus a large amount of documentation. 

The Columbia distribution is on five (5) reels of tape.  To 
reduce costs, this distribution has been placed on TWO (2) 
reels of tape for DECUS, in VMS/BACKUP format at 1600 BPI, 
one tape at 6250 BPI.  All KERMITS are here as distributed by 
Columbia University.  Complete KERMIT documentation and booting 
instructions are on the tape.  No paper documentation is needed. 
Files beginning with AA*.* should be looked at first for an overview 
of what's here. 

Notes:  Complete Columbia distribution plus pre-built binaries from
master BITnet site.  Most executables are present.

Changes and Improvements:  Later versions of several KERMITS.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PB)  Format:
VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SB)  Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape
Cartridge (TB)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

V-SP-83     Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Part 1 of 2, Fall
1988, Anaheim  Version: 1, November 1988
Submitted by: Glenn Everhart, Ph.D.

Operating System: VAX/VMS  Source Language: BLISS-32, C, FORTRAN 77,
Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS

Abstract: This is Part 1 of 2 of the VAX SIG tape from the Fall 1988 
DECUS Symposium in Anaheim.  Refer to DECUS Program No. V-SP-84 
for Part 2 of the VAX SIG Tape. 

The programs have been placed in three major directory structures 
named VAX88B1, VAX88B2 and VAX88B3.  The following is a brief summary 
of highlights: 

[.CI]        	Count records in file.  Concatenate sixel files & 
		print side by side.  ENPAGE LN03 output format 
		control util.  REMINDER accessories.  SYSTATUS - 
		system status monitor. 
[.MAILUAF]	Tool to maintain VMS MAIL's database consistently 
		& easily. 
[.MA_Q_DEV]	Process transfer network (VMS & RSX) with crash 
		resistant methods. VMS 5.0 vers. 
[.MCCLINTON]	Program to generate slides on VT100. 
[.MCWMIS]	Command procedures & support files to support HP-2000 
		printers on VAX.  (Similar to LaserJets). 
[.MEADOWS]	Nontransparent DECnet examples.  FILE - change any 
		attributes or dates of files.  FIND - find files by 
		many criteria FAST.  Can search size, date, frags, 
		LBNs, etc.  KFE - get info re installed files.  MENU - 
		compiled menu system.  SD - fast Set Default.  STATUS 
		- cluster or network wide show users.  UNMESSAGE - 
		decompile message text files.  UNSDL - generate include 
		files for any language from Digital Equipment Corporation 
		libraries.  VERB - create. CLD files from DCL table files. 
[.NIELAND]	BULLETIN - Mark London's Bulletin, ZDEC - Zero device error 
		counter, SNAP & Watch, EDT Plus - TPU editor.  (VMS V5). 
[.NOBACK]	FORTRAN useropen routine to mark a file /NOBACKUP. 
[.PEIRCE]	MAINT, a full screen file/dir maintenance program. 
[.PTVI]		New Pseudo Terminal driver (VMS V4 or V5).  Vi editor 
		in TPU. 
[.SIRA]		EDTINI updates.  Manual/HELP file reformatter for 
		Bonner Lab RUNOFF.  SMG based forms entry package. 

[.ADDBOOK]	Example ACPs and FIFO driver from the book "VMS 
		Advanced Device Driver Techniques". 
[.ATTC]		VAXCluster mgt procedures.  Tools to build VMS 
		Shareable images.  Autogen utility.  Sys MGT WG paper. 
[.BODOH]	DLA - Date of last access utility; MASTER_BLASTER - 
		a working set "trimmer"; POKE_WATCH - turns on VMS 
		watch facility; SPLIT - calculates wasted time due to 
		fragmentation; TPT - tape drive benchmark utility. 
[.BRYANT]	APCTPU - Schlumberger extended EDT emulator. 
[.BZL]		ALL-IN-1 management tools.  Tutorial re LSE templates. 
[.CALCSB]	Calculator, string substitution, ISAM implementation, 
		macro preprocessor. 
[.CCRS]		Updates to TCOPY and SWING (graphical directory 
		maintainer).  RUNOFF to TeX converter. 
[.CHANFRG]	CHAN - show what files a process has open, Frag files - 
		shows an overview of all disks and their fragmentation 
[.COY]		DM and SD (Directory Management and Set Default Progs). 
		WPE (WPS-PLUS emulator in TPU).  SHOWME user report. 
[.DTRSIG]	DATATRIEVE & Fourth Generation Languages SIG Library 
		Collection, Fall 1988.  New plots, functions, and magic. 
[.EXTERNAL]	EXTERNAL - a communications program with automatic 
		scripted dialout and remote login, hardware-independent 
		script language, automatic log of all accesses. 
[.FIFTH_BBS]	Bulletin Board program.  Handles messages, conferencing. 
		Not file transfers. 
[.FINGER]	FINGER user report & network name server.  VMS 5.0 
[.FLOWERS]	TWO_SIDE - splits a file for printing on two sides 
		of paper; Files from session on DCL standards. 
[.FPAINT]	FPAINT screen designing system.  Generates FORTRAN 
		code to paint screen with SMG$ by forms. 
[.FRAGM]	Command files to examine disk & file fragmentation. 
[.GAMES.FCD]	Five Card Draw poker simulation for VT100. 
[.GEMEC]	WATCH - watch another terminal for VMS V5.  Startup 
		utilities.  ALL-IN-1 "janitor" aider procedure. 
[.GLEASON]	DCL prompt clock; Programmable process key utility 
		with examples; Page file fragmentation analyzer; 
		Timer queue element display utility. 
[.GRC]		Print Dir list. Crashdump analysis example.  DCL funct 
		to sys$ function concordance.  EDX EDT superset editor 
		in TPU w/WPS keypad.  KERMIT update for asynch. comm. 
		File integrity check.  Text hyphenator. 
[.LATSHAW]	EDT emulator with many extensions. 
[.LUTES]	Updates to MCL (multicolumn Lister).  Many new features. 
		Lists any file in multiple columns, many options. 
[.NEWS]		Usenet NEWS implementation for VMS, version 5.6.  Many 
		features of VAX NOTES are present, plus much that VAX 
		NOTES lacks.  Allows any VMS site to participate in 
		USENET NEWS services.  Works also with VMSNET (on this 
		tape) or various networks to allow a VMS site to be a 
		full USENET member. 

[.RAGOSTA]	Calculator w/bin, hex, octal.  Cookie prog. Engineering 
		graphics prog. Many FORTRAN tools.  "Inverted" VMS HELP 
		library.  Viewgraph generator. 
[.RANDNOS]	Generators for uniform random numbers. 
[.ROCKWELL]	IMU - Identifier Mgt Util; nonpriv'd grant/revoke IDs. 
		SECURITY - idle terminal watcher. 
[.RUCKERT]	VAX_MENU windowing system, WHOIS utility to read owner 
		field in SYSUAF. 
[.SHOWUAF]	SHOWUAF - selective display of SYSUAF.DAT for large 
		variety of conditions/parameters. 
[.SPCTELE]	ADJUST - dynamic proc. prio alterer.  EVERYBOOT - 
		allow users to "install" boot time actions. 
		LOGGER - log shutdowns, crashes, etc.  PICTURES - lots 
		of pix. UNDELETE - VMS file un-deleter. 
[.SUBMIT]	FORTRAN program to submit a BATCH job. 
[.TALK]		TALK - allows VAX users to communicate with each other, 
		using "conference" metaphor rather than "channel" 
		metaphor popular among chat systems and CB simulators. 
		(Allows some moderator type activity.)  MANY options. 
[.TECOMACS]	Numerous useful programs in TECO. 
[.TICKLER]	Send a message on a weekly basis for reminding a group 
		of users of regular weekly events such as "time cards 
		due today". 
[.UALR]		BBS - Bulletin Board system (a la BBS-PC) for VAX. 
		Messages, conferencing, and file up/download.  CB 
		simulator.  Backup saveset extractor. 
[.UKANSAS]	CLISET - command line interface; LDIR - logical directory; 
		SYMON - system monitor; PRT - formatted print utility. 
[.USCG]		DTR functions for EDT-style editing, string convert, 
		document tracking, list of values, etc. 
[.VAXFONT]	VAXFONT - VT200 and VT300 font editor. 
[.VMSNET]	VMSNET rel 0.1 (UUCP implementation for VMS, complete 
		but still "beta testing".  Allow your VAX to join 
		the Internet, free.  VMS MAKE is also included. 
[.WOLFE]	Calculator using lib$tparse.  Knows octal, decimal, 
		hex, and floating.  Command files supported. 
[.WUEST]	DIGLIB - Device Independent Graphics library 
		(VAX/VMS version and AMIGA version). 
[.XCC_EVE]	Misc. EVE/TPU utilities including windowing buffer 
		manager, compiling from EVE, FORTRAN prettyprint, 
		paren matching, etc. 
[.YODER]	EDT on top of EVE, many updates.  Calendar/reminder 
		system.  Util to convert ASCII text to PostScript. 
		Also, RUNOFF to PostScript. 
[.ZIRIN]	NANNY 2.5 - automatic system monitor; 
		adjusts priorities, watches idle terminals, swaps processes 
		in/out, much more. 

Complete sources may or may not be included.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PD)  Format:
VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SD)  Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape
Cartridge (TD)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

V-SP-84     Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Part 2 of 2, Fall
1988, Anaheim  Version: 1, November 1988
Submitted by: Glenn Everhart, Ph.D.

Operating System: VAX/VMS  Source Language: BLISS-32, C, FORTRAN 77,
Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS

Abstract: This is Part 2 of 2 of the VAX SIG tape from the Fall 1988 
DECUS Symposium in Anaheim.  Refer to DECUS Program No. V-SP-83 for 
Part 1 of the VAX SIG tape. 

The programs have been placed in two major directory structures named 
VAX88B4 and VAX88B5.  The following is a brief summary of highlights: 

[.GNUSOFTWARE]	Recent C compiler, EMACS, AWK clones, Yacc and LEX clones, 
		and much more from the GNU effort (Free Software Foundation). 
		VMS binaries for boot GNU C are present. 
[.LEVINE]	INDEX - FORTRAN xref; JUICER - disk compressor (online or 
		offline); News facility;  Inactive job killer; SORTIMP 
		demo for VT340; Font editor for VT3xx; Paint340 - VT340 
		paint utility; DKDRIVER - RK05 driver for VMS 5.0. 
		Inactive job killer.  Disk space monitor. 

[.RCAF88]	AnalytiCalc - spreadsheet update.  GNU C vers. 1.24 
		binaries.  Source codes from comp. sources.  DECUS INDEX 
		- complete online index to DECUS library.  DTC - DeskTop 
		Calendar update.  Updates to multicolumn lister. 
		Cornucopia from INFO-VAX (ARPAnet) mailings, including 
		BOSS 2.5 (virtual workstation on a terminal) and AMIGA 
		matching code.  VMS Disassembler for VMS V4 or V5. 
		WATCH allows watching of any terminal (except RTAn:) 
		from any terminal for VMS 4 or 5.  HYPNET - mini 
		hypertext shell. 

Complete sources may or may not be included.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PB)  Format:
VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SB)  Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape
Cartridge (TB)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

VAX-361     GO  Version: 1&2, November 1988
Submitted by: A. Pirnar, ITT-WD Netherlands, Amsterdam Z.0,
Netherlands  1102 BR

Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.4, V4.6  Source Language: DCL  Memory
Required: 10KB  Keywords: Utilities - VMS

Abstract: GO is a DCL utility for flexible directory access which uses 
table display of directories as the program is being used. 
GO, which is available in two versions, was developed originally 
as a stack to keep track of 'dives' into subdirectory structures. 
It made use of an older utility called SD.COM to parse directory 
specifications.  In fact, the symbolic command "SD" is still easier 
to use when invoking GO, because of the keys being next to each other. 
Later it was developed as GO_1 into a table of directories keeping 
track of the users movements, for future quick access.  More 
recently GO_2 was written making use of the new recursive 
CALL command in VMS V4.4. 

Both versions of GO list a command summary when invoked 
with the parameter "H".  When invoked with no parameters it 
is the same as "sh def". 

Both versions allow the user to: move to quasi legal 
directory specs (e.g. missing square brackets), verify the 
specified directory exists, move directly to any entry in 
the table, step backwards or forwards in the table, move to 
the last entry in the table chronologically, move directly 
to sys$login, move up to parent directory, reset the table 
of directory entries, and show the table with current and 
last entries visited. 

In addition GO_2 allows the user to: expand all or one level 
of subdirectories under table entries, collapse 
all or one level of subdirectories under table entries, 
enable/disable capturing of non-GO movements, toggle 
between overwrite and find/append modes when moving to a 
directory, toggle talk/silent mode, make multiple moves in 
the table in one command, enter multiple commands in one 
command line, automatically define logicals "GO_n$" 
corresponding to table entries, print the table, 
delete/undelete table entries, and delete directory trees 
from disk. 

Notes:  Operating System VMS V4.4 or higher is required for GO_2.COM.
GO_2 uses up more dynamic memory than GO_1 so it may be easier to use
GO_1 in some environments.

Changes and Improvements:  Various bug fixes and enhancements.

Media (Service Charge Code): One RX50 Diskette (JA)  Format:
VMS/BACKUP, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

VAX-385     EDX Editor  Version: 4.1, December 1988
Submitted by: David Deley, General Research Corporation, Santa
Barbara, CA

Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.4 - V4.7 or V5.0  Source Language:
MACRO-32, VAX TPU  Keywords: Editors, Emulators, Word Processing

Abstract: The EDX editor uses the EDT keypad and supports all the 
major functions of EDT plus many others not available in 
EDT.  It is intended for users familiar with the EDT editor 
who would like to switch to a more powerful editor without 
having to learn a new editor all over again.  It also 
supports a WPS keypad mode for users familiar with WPS. 
Among the features of this editor are: 
.  Directory command including /SIZE and /DATE. 
.  Columnar cut/paste mode. 
.  Find matching parenthesis command. 
.  Change your default directory while in the editor. 
.  Translate DCL symbols while in the editor. 
.  Translate logical names while in the editor. 
.  Create logical names while in the editor. 
.  Lock files to prevent others from editing them while you 
.  Bound or free cursor motion. 
.  Sorting capabilities. 
.  Wildcard search mode. 
.  Dual window mode. 
.  Insert/Overstrike modes. 
.  Mark location and go to mark commands. 
.  Learn key sequence command. 

Notes:  Will not work on operating systems prior to VAX/VMS V4.4.

Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EB), 600' Magnetic Tape
(MA)  Format: VMS/BACKUP

VAX-386     UH/UM/UT Device Drivers for VMS  Version: 4.0, December
Submitted by: Emulex Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA

Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.X  Source Language: MACRO-32  Memory
Required: 10K through 15K Bytes per driver  Hardware Required: Emulex
CS11/U, CS21/U, SC21/V, SC31 or TC11 are required.  Keywords: Device

Abstract: The UH, UM, and UT drivers are VMS device drivers for UNIBUS 
DH11, RH11, and TM11 controllers.  They were written for the 
Emulex CS11/U, CS21/U, SC21/V, SC31, and TC11 controllers, 
but will work with other Digital Equipment Corporation or 
emulating controllers with minor modifications.  Emulex does 
not support these controllers under VAX/VMS V5.X or later. 
These drivers are unsupported by Emulex, and are provided as 
examples for customers that may wish to modify the code for 
their specific applications. 

Notes:  Operating system VAX/VMS V4.X is required.

Documentation not available.

Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format:

VAX-387     TPUPlus  Version: December 1988
Submitted by: Rick Stacks, Ark Dept of Pollution Control, Little Rock,

Operating System: VAX/VMS V5.0  Source Language: TPU, VAX FORTRAN
Software Required: VAX Text Processing Utility Manual  Hardware
Required: VT100, VT200 or VT300  Keywords: Editors, Tools, Applications 
Development, Utilities - VMS

Abstract: The TPUPlus editing package is similar to a previous 
submission DECUS Part No. VAX-272, "Extended_EVEPlus", 
in that the package is layered upon TPU, but that is where 
the similarity ends.  TPUPlus has been built to aid 
programmers, word processing people, and anyone else that 
might need to edit files on the VAX.  With Version 5.0 of 
VMS came many changes to TPU and this made a complete 
rewrite of my previous editor necessary;  thus was born 
TPUPlus.  TPUPlus is very easy to build and install 
(see TPUPlus_BUILD.COM).  There is complete documentation in 
the file TPUPLUS.RNO. 

TPUPlus has an EDT keypad, an EVE keypad (greatly enhanced 
from Digital Equipment Corporation's), WPS keypad, and 
numeric keypad easily accessible by using the SET KEYPAD 
command.  Also built into the editor is a Spelling Checker, 
a sorting utility, rectangular cut/paste, and many other 
additions and enhancements to the TPU-based editors.  For 
more information see the *.RNO, *.COM, and *.TPU files 
contained in this submission. 

There are certain EDIT (EDT) line mode commands that are 
available by using GOLD <KP7> that are not available 
otherwise.  These commands are SET SEARCH EXACT, SET SEARCH 
SUBSTITUTE, _&TYPE.  These commands function the same as 
their EDIT counterparts. 

The EDT portion of this editor is an emulation of Digital 
Equipment Corporation's EDT editor with many special added 
features that increases the productivity of the user once 
the user becomes familiar with the editor commands.  The 
user can become aquainted with these special functions and 
how to use them in the span of a couple hours.  Most of the 
special functions share key definitions with the EVE version 
of the editor, increasing ease of use through similar key 

Notes:  Operating system tested under VAX/VMS V5.0.

Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format:
Robert N. Perry - Sky Scum  	Tektronix, Inc.		   TEX D-11561
"When I works, I works hard. When I sits, I sits easy. When I thinks, I goes
to sleep."