[net.wanted] Unix* equivalent to Tops-20 photo wanted

cdash@druxv.UUCP (Shub) (07/05/84)

I am looking for something that will capture BOTH the input from a terminal AND
the output to a terminal in a file.
tee (1) will do either, but not both. 
several attempts to to both via pipes fail miserably, apparently because some
programs use isatty (3) [listed under ttyname(3)] to control flushing of
buffers and the use of pipes causes the program i am trying to record to
function as if its input and/or output is from a file.

Since this is supposed to be a general tool to work with ANY program,
I obviously have no way of getting into the program to modify isatty.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

...!druxv!cdash {charlie shub AT&T-IS Denver (303) 538-3922}

* this footnote is left as an exercize for the reader