[net.wanted] Last Chance!!!

pmh@burl.UUCP (Peter M. Hermsen) (07/07/84)

This is positively your last chance to have the opportunity to own a
classic.. The ORIGINAL Taitotronics (Japan) SPACE INVADERS. I am
willing to let this, my only one, machine go for the meager sum of
$400.00US and I'll pay up to $50.00 towards shipping. This unit is
the stand-up model that started the video craze in Japan which
spread to the US, et-al. Don't miss this opportunity to own one of
only a few remaining original Taito SPACE INVADERS machines. (I was
told by the owner of an arcade that these machines were usually
destroyed and bulldozed over after they were removed from service.
He said it was due to some kind of rights settlement. I assure you,
I obtained this machine through legal channels and am actually
taking a loss on it, but I must sell it because I'm moving and won't
have room for it in an apartment.) 
From the non-linear mind of a non-anonymous hacker!!
				Pete Hermsen
ihnp4!	\			PO Box 2304
akgua!	 \burl!pmh		Burlington, NC 27216
cornell! /			(919) 228-4215 (w)

"Not all roads lead to Hollywood..."