[comp.org.decus] VAX/L&T SIG Tape Reviews: VAX90B - BAKER

ted@nieland.DAYTON.OH.US (Ted Nieland) (04/16/91)

Tape:		VAX90B
Section:	[.BAKER] 
Reviewer: 	Jeffrey Jalbert

The [VAX90B.BAKER] directory contains a number of subdirectories each of which
is an individual submission.  These directories are listed below together with
the evaulation for each.  This structure has been obtained from the
AAAREADME.TXT;1 file supplied with the tape.

[.CONFIRM]     - A login message to display to users that is to be 
                 confirmed as to have been read.  Keeps those users
                 that are known to say "WELL NOBODY EVER TOLD ME"
                 very quiet.

Intended Audience:	
Ease of use:		
Sources Included:	
CLD  included:		
Help included:		
Objects supplied:	

[.COMPARE]     - Contains an updated version of Blaine Newlon's Compare
                 program that Compares files byte for byte.  The new
                 version displays characters and a representation for
                 control characters rather than displaying octal codes.

Installation:		5	(Just run the program!)
Documentation:		1
Intended Audience:	General
Ease of use:		5
Usefullness:		1 (Most of this is in the Differences Utility)
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		no
Help included:		no
Objects supplied:	Yes

[.DATABASE]    - Contains an interactive database program called DATAFILE.
                 This program uses a directory structure to handle its
                 files.  We have it set up as a problem/solution database;
                 however, this program can easily be set up for other
                 simple databases.  A demo area is included.

Installation:		5
Documentation:		3
Intended Audience:	General
Ease of use:		4
Usefullness:		5 (allows the development of a tree-structured set of
			   files.  The illustration in the demo is excellent
                           as an example of a problem-tracking application.)
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		Yes
Help included:		no
Objects supplied:	Yes

[.DELMAIL]     - Contains a command file for use by those unfortunate 
                 souls that do not have VMS 5.0 (ha ha).  This utility 
                 will allow users to delete blocks of mail without delet-
                 ing one at a time.  Slow, but effective.

Installation:		5 (Just a command procedure)
Documentation:		5
Intended Audience:	General
Ease of use:		
Usefullness:		1 (post VMS vversion 5)
Sources Included:	Yes, DCL
CLD  included:		n/a
Help included:		yes
Objects supplied:	n/a

[.DISK]        - Contains a program that will display statistics on
                 disk usage in general or usage of a particular group
                 or individual.

Installation:		5 (Just command procedures)
Documentation:		2 (But adequate)
Intended Audience:	System managers
Ease of use:		5
Usefullness:		2
Sources Included:	Yes, DCL
CLD  included:		n/a
Help included:		No
Objects supplied:	n/a

[.LAST]        - Utility that tells when and how long ago a user logged in.
                 If the user has never logged in, the program will provide
                 the creation date to the users default login directory
                 assuming that this was created at the same time as the
                 account itself.

Installation:		5
Documentation:		5
Intended Audience:	System Managers (Requires read access to SYSUAF)
Ease of use:		5 
Usefullness:		2
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		Yes
Help included:		Yes
Objects supplied:	Yes

[.LIST]        - A phone book type utility using indexed files.

Installation:		4
Documentation:		4
Intended Audience:	General
Ease of use:		5
Usefullness:		4
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		Yes
Help included:		Yes
Objects supplied:	Yes

[.MISC_COM]    - A few useful command files.

Installation:		Trivial since these are stand/alone procedures
Documentation:		5
Intended Audience:	General
Ease of use:		4
Usefullness:		2
Sources Included:	Yes, DCL
CLD  included:		n/a
Help included:		for one procedure
Objects supplied:	n/a

[.OPRSOS]      - A program that uses indexed files to match up sig-
                 nificant events within the OPERATOR.LOG files.  May
                 not work after VMS 5.2.

Documentation:		3
Intended Audience:	System Managers
Ease of use:		
Usefullness:		1 (post VMS version 5)
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		Yes
Help included:		No
Objects supplied:	No

Note: I didn't actually run this program on our system since we do not maintain
operator log files.

[.VERSION]     - A utility that displays the current version of software
                 whether it be personal files, layered products or the 
                 version of the operating system (NOT THE FILE NAME 
                 VERSION).  This does not require the SYSTEM MANAGER to 
                 update any files.  I think you will really like this one.

Installation:		5, provided you are familiar with $ SET COMMAND
Documentation:		5
Intended Audience:	General, but especially system managers
Ease of use:		5
Usefullness:		5, replaces analyze/image to find this out
Sources Included:	Yes, FORTRAN
CLD  included:		Yes
Help included:		Yes, (.hlp)
Objects supplied:	No