byron@eosp1.UUCP (Byron Han) (07/02/84)
Does anybody out tere in net-land know of any way to expand the piddling 15 character type-ahead buffer that the PC has? Is there some patch to make on DOS? Please mail replies to me and I will summarize. Thanks in advance. -------------------------------------<bh>-------------------------------------- In-Real-Life: Byron Han USENET: allegra!eosp1!byron Exxon Office Systems BITNET: 6017040@PUCC (out of money) 500 College Road East TS2552@OHSTVMA (I'm not there) Princeton, NJ 08540 609-734-9200 ext. 229
diamant@pyuxa.UUCP (John Diamant) (07/05/84)
Here is a program written by Rich Schinnell that was posted to the net a while ago (I included the net address of the original article, because all I know about the program is what appeared in the message). I use this program all the time, and it works very well (thanks Rich): From decvax!harpo!floyd!whuxle!jph Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 Subject: Re: BUF128 Typeahead Buffer Expander - (nf) The following BASIC program creates the file KBBUFF.COM which will expand the type ahead buffer to 160 characters. Put the command 'kbbuff' in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it is setup when the system is booted. ================================= 10 CLS:PRINT"This basic program was created by CONVERT.BAS":KEY OFF:DEFINT A-Z:FALSE=0:TRUE=NOT FALSE 20 PRINT"Copyright 1983 ,Rich Schinnell Rockville,MD. Not for Sale." 30 PRINT "This program will create you a program named KBBUFF.COM":PRINT 40 ON ERROR GOTO 5000 50 INPUT "PLACE the disk to write the file TO in the DEFAULT Drive. Press <ENTER> "; CAPITAL$ 90 CLS:LOCATE 12,5:PRINT "Now writing file named KBBUFF.COM standby please " 100 RESTORE 110 OPEN "R", #1,"KBBUFF.COM",1 120 FIELD #1, 1 AS N$ 130 READ N:LL=(N/28)+1 140 FOR I = 1 TO N 150 READ X$,CHECK:FOR C=1 TO LEN(X$) STEP 2:CC$="&H"+MID$(X$,C,2):IF CHECK=9999 THEN 170 155 LSET N$=CHR$(VAL(CC$)):PUT #1:CHECK=CHECK-VAL(CC$):NEXT C:IF CHECK<>0 THEN 5000 160 LOCATE 14,5:PRINT TIME$;" Reading data line #";(1000+I);" lines left=";LL-I;:NEXT I:CLOSE 170 LOCATE 16,5:PRINT "KBBUFF.COM CREATED * *":GOTO 5010 1000 DATA 696 1001 DATA E95B0200000000000000000F010F0100000000000000000000000000,358 1002 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1003 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1004 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1005 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1006 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1007 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1008 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1009 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1010 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1011 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0 1012 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000050,80 1013 DATA 53519CFABB1E00E4615024FCE661B93C00E2FE0C02E661B93C00E2FE,3598 1014 DATA 4B75EB58E6619D595B58C3BB40008EDBFA8B1E1A003B1E1C00751DBB,2969 1015 DATA 1E00891E1A0083C302891E1C008CCB8EDBBB0F01891E0B01891E0D01,2013 1016 DATA FBC31E565350E8CAFF9C2EFF1E0301BB40008EDB2E8B360D018B1E1A,2965 1017 DATA 0083C30283FB3E7203BB1E003B1E1C0074268B072E890483C60281FE,2424 1018 DATA 4F027203BE0F012E3B360B017505E862FFEB052E89360D01891E1A00,1966 1019 DATA A01700240C3C0C75082EA10D012EA30B01585B5E1FCFFB1E53E863FF,2331 1020 DATA 8CCB8EDB0AE4740BFECC7429FECC74365B1FCFFB90FA8B1E0B013B1E,3556 1021 DATA 0D0174F38B0783C30281FB4F027503BB0F01891E0B015B1FCFFA8B1E,2558 1022 DATA 0B013B1E0D018B07FB5B1FCA0200FF2E07011EB800008ED8FAA12400,2166 1023 DATA 2EA30301A126002EA30501C7062400A6028C0E2600FBA158002EA307,1944 1024 DATA 01A15A002EA30901C70658000E038C0E5A00B840008ED8FABB1E0089,2235 1025 DATA 1E1A00C707000083C302891E1C00FBBA5E03CD2700000000,1563 1026 DATA 000000,9999 5000 PRINT "* * ERROR VERIFY FOLLOWING DATA * * * " 5005 PRINT X$;",";CHECK 5010 KEY ON:CLOSE:END -- John Diamant ihnp4!pyuxgg!diamant
david@bragvax.UUCP (David DiGiacomo) (07/09/84)
This is frustrating! "buf128.exe" somehow got garbled and was totally useless. I thought "kbbuff" was going to work, but it turns out to lose big if you run it twice (hangs keyboard -- at least CTRL-ALT-DEL still works). I can't put that in my autoexec! Can't someone post the source to something? I hate to disassemble.