[comp.org.decus] More Info on Why to Vote NO on Reorg.

frydenlund@topaz.decus.org (04/30/91)

I post this here because I am unhappy with the way the flow 
of information about this issue has been controlled (the 
opposition gets 400 words while the pro side gets unlimited 
access to the communications channels of DECUS), and 
because there have been numerous accusations that all the 
opposition can offer is misinformation and character 
People almost always vote FOR a change proposed by a Board 
of Directors.  For reasons of content, consequence, and 
process, this is a time to vote NO.
What follows is a draft of a proposed CON statement which 
I, and a small committee of other volunteers, created for 
consideration by the Board members who voted against the 
proposed reorganization of DECUS.  It was not the one 
selected for sending with the ballot.  While there are 
unsupported allegations here (written against a 400 word
limit) there is nothing here I can not support (nor is there 
a character assassination in sight).  After canvassing some of 
my peers in DECUS Leadership, I am quite sure that an unstated 
consequence of passing this change to the bylaws will be the 
loss of the services of many of the "doers" who make DECUS 
 You should vote NO.  The proposed bylaws will impair the 
 ability of the volunteers to deliver DECUS technical 
 This particular Board of Directors would have you believe 
 that almost everyone in the chapter is in favor of this 
 Not true.  There is substantial opposition to this process 
 from many volunteers who actually produce DECUS services.  
 These include:
      -    key volunteer leaders who produce Seminars, 
	   Symposia, Library Tapes, SIG Newsletters, 
	   Session Notes, and DECUServe;
      -    the Council of the Special Interest Groups 
	   (SIG's) who petitioned the Board NOT to pursue 
	   this issue at this time;
      -    Local User Group (LUG) leaders at the local, 
	   regional, and national levels.
 Many volunteers are opposed to this bylaw change because it 
 recreates centralized control which:
      -    didn't work last time we tried it;
      -    provides a Board of Directors that can easily 
	   overrule and demoralize its volunteer work 
      -    concentrates power in the Board and, with the 
	   Digital delegate traditionally coming from 
	   Marketing, provides an avenue for Digital 
	   Marketing to exercise undue control over the 
	   direction of the chapter.  This fosters 
	   substitution of marketing for technical 
 The problems of the chapter today are not best addressed by 
 this proposed drastic reorganization because it:
      -    will cause great disruption of service, 
	   delivery, and innovation.
      -    won't solve the real problems;
 The fundamental problem being that the present Board, rather 
 than assuming their role as leaders, have focused on 
 operations.  This has fractured the chapter by creating a 
 conflict with those who provide products and services.
 To resolve this conflict, the Board asks you to replace the 
 volunteers' elected forum which currently resolves operations 
 issues.  This forum, which also acts as the volunteers' 
 advocate to the Board, is replaced by multiple committees 
 which are appointed by (and with the interests of?) the 
 The proposed change effectively removes the checks and 
 balances which have, until now, protected the volunteer work 
 force and your products and services.
 IF you believe:
      -    volunteers who provide you services have a 
	   right to a vote about the services they 
	   provide; OR
      -    DECUS must be kept independent of Digital 
	   control; OR
      -    control of the chapter should be shared by 
	   many instead of held by the few;
 THEN, these proposed bylaws are not for you.
If you are unsure that the proposed change is right for the 
chapter, JUST SAY NO.
David D. FRYDENLUND,  Session Note Chair for DECUS US
Communications Committee
As I am not normally found on the net, I would appreciate 
if you would address any reply to me to:
I post this here because I am unhappy with the way the flow 
of information about this issue has been controlled (the 
opposition gets 400 words while the pro side gets unlimited 
access to the communications channels of DECUS), and 
because there have been numerous accusations that all the 
opposition can offer is misinformation and character 
People almost always vote FOR a change proposed by a Board 
of Directors.  For reasons of content, consequence, and 
process, this is a time to vote NO.
What follows is a draft of a proposed CON statement which 
I, and a small committee of other volunteers, created for 
consideration by the Board members who voted against the 
proposed reorganization of DECUS.  It was not the one 
selected for sending with the ballot.  While there are 
unsupported allegations here (written against a 400 word
limit) there is nothing here I can not support (nor is there 
a character assassination in sight).  After canvassing some of 
my peers in DECUS Leadership, I am quite sure that an unstated 
consequence of passing this change to the bylaws will be the 
loss of the services of many of the "doers" who make DECUS 
 You should vote NO.  The proposed bylaws will impair the 
 ability of the volunteers to deliver DECUS technical 
 This particular Board of Directors would have you believe 
 that almost everyone in the chapter is in favor of this 
 Not true.  There is substantial opposition to this process 
 from many volunteers who actually produce DECUS services.  
 These include:
      -    key volunteer leaders who produce Seminars, 
	   Symposia, Library Tapes, SIG Newsletters, 
	   Session Notes, and DECUServe;
      -    the Council of the Special Interest Groups 
	   (SIG's) who petitioned the Board NOT to pursue 
	   this issue at this time;
      -    Local User Group (LUG) leaders at the local, 
	   regional, and national levels.
 Many volunteers are opposed to this bylaw change because it 
 recreates centralized control which:
      -    didn't work last time we tried it;
      -    provides a Board of Directors that can easily 
	   overrule and demoralize its volunteer work 
      -    concentrates power in the Board and, with the 
	   Digital delegate traditionally coming from 
	   Marketing, provides an avenue for Digital 
	   Marketing to exercise undue control over the 
	   direction of the chapter.  This fosters 
	   substitution of marketing for technical 
 The problems of the chapter today are not best addressed by 
 this proposed drastic reorganization because it:
      -    will cause great disruption of service, 
	   delivery, and innovation.
      -    won't solve the real problems;
 The fundamental problem being that the present Board, rather 
 than assuming their role as leaders, have focused on 
 operations.  This has fractured the chapter by creating a 
 conflict with those who provide products and services.
 To resolve this conflict, the Board asks you to replace the 
 volunteers' elected forum which currently resolves operations 
 issues.  This forum, which also acts as the volunteers' 
 advocate to the Board, is replaced by multiple committees 
 which are appointed by (and with the interests of?) the 
 The proposed change effectively removes the checks and 
 balances which have, until now, protected the volunteer work 
 force and your products and services.
 IF you believe:
      -    volunteers who provide you services have a 
	   right to a vote about the services they 
	   provide; OR
      -    DECUS must be kept independent of Digital 
	   control; OR
      -    control of the chapter should be shared by 
	   many instead of held by the few;
 THEN, these proposed bylaws are not for you.
If you are unsure that the proposed change is right for the 
chapter, JUST SAY NO.
David D. FRYDENLUND,  Session Note Chair for DECUS US
Communications Committee
As I am not normally found on the net, I would appreciate 
if you would address any reply to me to: