(John 'Fast-Eddie' McMahon) (05/16/91)
It seems to me the issue is an open one until the 23rd. That's the last day ballots would be accepted by the accountants. In the past, there have been complaints that DECUS Leadership is a faceless group of people who attend "woods" meetings and come out of hiding twice a year to wear ribbons at Symposium. If nothing else, the Leadership has become visible because of this... and I think (ultimately) this will be a good thing. Leadership is here to serve the membership, we should never forget that. The issue itself has been tainted in many ways. What started as an adjustment to the workings of the society has changed significantly since then. It's gotten much uglier, and to quote one DECUS Leader "There will be bodies on the field when this is over". This "tainting" of the issue has caused the society significant harm, but I feel DECUS will survive this... For the record... I tried to assimilate as much information as possible before casting my vote. This included the voting packet, the ADL report, material sent to DECUS Leadership, Notes conferences, and Network postings. It also included talking to a significant number of people at (and before) the Symposium. I'm glad that all the information was available to me, and that both sides had some opportunity to speak out. It didn't make my choice an easy one... but at least it was an informed one. I don't agree that the issue is closed. It is closed only when the voting is over, and the final outcome accepted... John 'Fast-Eddie' McMahon DECUS UNISIG Steering Committee - Session Notes Editor/Suite Lifeguard DECUServe Executive Committee - TCP/IP Networking Support E-Mail: MCMAHON@DECUS.ORG (DECUS Leadership System) MCMAHON@TGV.COM (Work) Disclaimer: The above is my personal view and does not nessesarily represent the views of any DECUS entity or TGV Incorporated.