[comp.org.decus] A Meeting of the Washington DC DECUS UNILUG

roj@dodads.dco.dec.com (Roger Masse) (05/20/91)

           Announcing a meeting of the
           Washington, D. C. Area DECUS UNILUG

                            June 6th, 1991
                                1:30 pm


            *   The MKS Toolkit - UNIX(tm) tools for DOS          
                - Harry Foxwell - Digital Equipment Corporation

            *   Atlanta DECUS Trip Report and ACE Overview
                - Fred Avolio - ULTRIX Resource Center


            *   DEC AVS - Visualization Demo
                - Ruthellen Leventer - ULTRIX Resource Center

            *   Digital News - New Workstation Announcement
                - Roger Masse, ULTRIX Resource Center

               August Meeting                                 September Meeting
- Mail

      *  Wordwind Tour of MACH 3.0              * Teaching sendmail who's Boss

      * UNITECH - Backup, Restore &             * What'ssss Smail
Electronic mail on the Internet
      * Applix Office Environment      

            The DC Area DECUS UNIX* Local Users' Group is for anyone who
            is involved with UNIX on Digital hardware. Meetings are held
            at the Digital facility in Landover, Maryland at the
            Application Center for Technology. To get to the ACT in
            Landover, take the Washington Beltway (I-95) towards
            Landover, Maryland. Take exit 19B (Rt. 50 West), follow the
            signs leading you to the New Carrollton/Beltway Train Station
            and exit right. Stay in the right hand lane and turn right
            onto Corporate Drive. This meeting will be held in the Application
            Center for Technology (ACT) on floor 2 of the Metro Executive
            Terraces buildingthe last building on Corporate Drive on the
            left side. The Corporate Drive entrance puts you on the 2nd floor. 

            For more information, contact Karen Petraska-Veum at 301-455-3860
            or  karen@umbc3.umbc.edu
                * UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories