[comp.sys.mac] Disk Tag Support - Apple says "No"

ephraim@wang.UUCP (11/21/86)

I asked Apple Tech Support some technical questions about tag
support on disks.  Here's what they said:

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Date:     Thu Oct 02, 1986 12:39 pm  EST
From:     MACTECH / MCI ID: 215-0798
Subject:  Your email dated 1Oct86

This is the complete story on tags; I hope this settles the issue 
once and for all.

1. Apple's as-yet-unavailable disk recovery tools do not require 
file system tags.

2. Apple plans to discontinue support of file system tags on 
future disk products.

3. Apple Developer Technical Support has no information on
implementing tags under HFS, and no impetus to provide this
information (due to the above two points).

The bottom line: don't bother with tags.

Apple Developer Technical Support
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