[comp.sys.mac] Interfacing MacPlus with a Unix pri

crimmins@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (12/14/86)

/* Written 10:15 pm  Dec  9, 1986 by rnewman@dasys1.UUCP in uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.mac */

>The problem is, the Mac+ does not have anything that looks like a RS232
>port as far as I can tell.  On this Mac+, there are two DIN jacks,
>one with a printer icon and one with a phone (modem) icon. Are these
>RS232 compatible? If so, does anyone have a pin diagram?

The easiest way to do this is to buy the Apple //e printer cable.  This
will expand the 8 pin output from the modem/printer ports to standard
25-pin RS-232.  I have used this cable (along with a gender changer
that also reverses pins 2 and 3) to connect the mac with an IBM PC for
file transfer using Kermit.  I would assume that you could do something
similar on the UNIX side.  Note that the output to an imagewriter is
not ASCII codes, so you will need to save your documents as text files
and then use a communications package to transfer the text to UNIX.

Dan Crimmins
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Computing Services Office - Micro Consulting Dept.

BITNET:	crimmins@uiucuxc.bitnet
ARPA:	crimmins@uiucuxc.cso.uiuc.edu
CSNET:	crimmins@uiucuxc.csnet
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