newbery@vuwcomp.UUCP (02/24/87)
Help. I want to know the most efficient way to do an "appendPicture". Consider: I am accumulating a picture and decide (for example, because of an update event) that I need to replay the picture to the screen, and then continue where I left off. I would *like* to just disable picture saving, by setting the picSave field to NIL, and then call DrawPicture, passing the picture handle. I am prepared to append an endOfPicture ($FF) pictCode and subsequently pop it off before restoring the status quo. Alas, it does not seem to be so easy. For a start, GetHandleSize returns a different value from the picture's picSize field (and the picture is *not* >65536 bytes long :-)), making one suspect that there is an unflushed buffer lurking somewhere. I don't really want to have to call ClosePicture, then OpenPicture a new picture and DrawPicture the old one into the new one. It is potentially very wasteful of memory and drops one right into the TN89 (?) drawPicture bug. Any help greatfully accepted (and if I figure it out in the meantime I'll let the net know). Please reply directly to my e-mail address & I will summarise to the net. *DON'T* use the path this article came from, our USENET gateway is *NOT* our e-mail gateway and the USENET gateway will not forward mail. Thanks in antici.................pation -- Michael Newbery ACSnet: UUCP: {ubc-vision,alberta}!calgary!vuwcomp!newbery Une boule qui roule tue les poules. (Landslides kill chickens)