brooks@ihuxl.UUCP (11/01/83)
Boy is this newsgroup getting BORING! Hasn't anyone recently bought an album or seen a concert they can review? I'll start. I recently bought the new Billy Joel album entitled "Innocent Man". This album is unlike any of his other albums but then again Billy Joel has never had any real continuity. However, it does have something in common with all his other albums and that is that I love it! About 50% of the songs on this album are reminiscent of songs from another era. (Generally the 50's.) The title track does not fit into that 50%, but is a beautiful song both musically and lyrically. Anyone with an AM radio has heard the songs "Tell Her About It" an "Uptown Girl" which are both reasonably likeable provided you don't hear them too often. My favorite song on the album is "For The Longest Time". I am not sure why. It has very few instruments in in at all, it's mostly harmonizing in the fashion of the early 50's. The album also includes the title track from Rodney Dangerfield's movie "Easy Money", another song I happen to like. In general, it is difficult to tell that any of these songs are performed by Billy Joel. I am often amazed at his diversity and yet his ability to crank out hits. I'd give it a 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. Carole Brooks ihuxl!brooks