[net.wanted] Operating System for 68000 wanted

elf@proper.UUCP (Leonard Bottleman ) (07/18/84)

<This one's for you>

RCA Cylix Communications, Inc., an independent division of RCA, is
looking for an operating system to fit on a Motorola MC68000 based
microprocessor.  We will consider any operating system that will work
on our system.  These are some of our requirements:

	1.  No disk storage (i.e. no floppies, no winchesters, no etc.)
	2.  Main input is a 9.6 kbps synchronous line.
	3.  8 k bytes of EEPROM.
	4.  128 k bytes of RAM.
	5.  Real time operation.
	6.  No hardware assisted memory protection.
	7.  Non-standard bus configuartion (i.e. not Multibus or
	    VME bus , etc).
	8.  Must support concurrent co-routines.
	9.  Must be interrupt driven.

We will negotiate for object only or source license privileges.
After September 10, 1984, no more recommendations can be
considered.  If you have a favorite OS, or know someone who does,
contact us at:

	US Mail:

		RCA Cylix Communications Network, Inc.
		Attn: Ronald Boyd
		800 Ridge Lake Blvd.
		Memphis, TN  38119

