[comp.sys.mac] MacMemory Upgrade works well but fails memory test. WHY?

pgn@osupyr.UUCP (Paul G. Nevai) (04/21/87)

Help! Help! Help!

I have a MaxPlus (2MB upgrade) and a MaxPlus 2x4 upgrade plus a MaxSave
from MacMemory, Inc. Thus altogether my MacPlus has 4MB of RAM. (Total cost
for upgrades was $824 from Programs Plus). I love it. It's quick, reliable

Here is my question: When I try MacTest version 7.0 to test the RAM it
miserably fails. Why?

Are you guys at MacMemory, Inc., reading this? 



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Paul Nevai                                pgn@osupyr.uucp (PREFERRED) 
Department of Mathematics                 nevai-p@osu-eddie.uucp
The Ohio State University                 73057,172.Compu$erve
231 West Eighteenth Avenue                TS1171@OHSTVMA.bitnet
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