[comp.sys.mac] Can anybody help me get my kinetics/kip/cap on straight

benson@alcatraz.ksr.com (Benson Margulies) (05/14/87)

I'm suffering from a considerable confusion about kip/cap/kinetics.
Here's a plea for help from anybody who got there first.

Our original goal was file transfer between suns and macs.

We bought a fast-path-2 by way of pacer software, inc, who sold it to
us along with their pc-link product.

We got:

the Ktalk/Prompt mac disk.

the MacIP disk.

and the PC-link code.

We configure the kinetics in UDP mode, load the UDP.srec that came on
the Ktalk/Prompt disk, use subnets, and everything works. So far so

Now, we want to run CAP.

experiment 1: running the same UDP.srec, and the same kinetics config
file, I set up the KIP files and launched atalkad, and then tried out 
various CAP things. I can't use the KIP ddt because I don't have a
vax, and the code don't seem to be compilable on a sun. All I see is
that the CAP samples can't find anything to talk to. I also don't have
a ping on the Mac side.

experiment 2: I used PC-link to slurp the AT.SREC.3 file that is in
the archive with KIP, and loaded that into the kinetics. Now neither
pc-link nor cap gets anyplace.

On the other hand, I used my usual config file. It seems benign, but
it does force the ktalk/prompt to show the UDP button instead of the
DDP button, which makes me suspicious.

Can anyone help me get CAP on the air? If I succeed, what code should
I be using for file transfer? The mac-ip we got don't work with a hard
disk, because it requires a driver to be in the system file but
dosen't come with an installer script.


Benson I. Margulies                         Kendall Square Research Corp.
harvard!ksr!benson			    All comments the responsibility
ksr!benson@harvard.harvard.edu		    of the author, if anyone.