[comp.sys.mac] FzzPlot Requests....

rs4u#@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Richard Siegel) (04/22/87)

I have been completely SWAMPED with requests for FzzPlot. I will
do my best to distribute copies to all users who have
requested them (at great expense of time and money, of course :-).
This will take some time, so please bear with me.

I will explore methods of making FzzPlot available for downloading;
I suspect that it may find its way to compuserve and GEnie eventually,
at any rate....


rs4u#@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Richard Siegel) (05/18/87)

Thanks to everyone who has written me asking for a copy of FzzPlot.
In case you're wondering what happend to your disk/money/letter,
allow me to say that I've been incredibly busy lately, but that I
will try to get all backlogged requests handled and mailed out
y the end of this week or early next week.

Thanks to all for your patience and interest, and keep those cards and
letters coming!
