gmf@uvacs.UUCP (07/21/84)
This is a reposting to different newsgroups than before, as I haven't received any answers yet. From: gmf Wed Jul 18 11:18:46 1984 (uvacs.1375),net.lang : Request for Franz Lisp info I will be grateful for information on where to get a Franz Lisp with its usual library written in C to be run on an Intel 8286 (new, compatible with 8086) running under Xenix ("small" UNIX). There will be plenty of memory (hard disk). Presumably any Franz Lisp written in C which will run on a VAX 11/780 using UNIX will be OK. Gordon Fisher c/o CS Dept Univ of Virginia Charlottesville, Va 22901 ...!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!gmf --------------------------------------------------------------- E.g., should I write to Berkeley about its UNIX products? If so, what address? If not, then where? Gordon Fisher (address above)