[comp.sys.mac] INIT warning...

wert@titan.rice.edu@rice.EDU (Scott Comer) (05/28/87)

The old Warp 9 hard disk INIT code (INIT 16) has two problems that should
be considered:

Number one is that it incorrectly sets the default volume when it switch
launches to the hard disk. The default volume should be the blessed
folder, but was set to the root of the volume instead. This causes any
file based INITs that should be executed via INIT 31 to be missed.

Number two is that it frees itself upon exit, which causes the system heap
to become trashed. This is because the INIT mechanism takes the following
steps to run an INIT:

	h := GetIndResource(...)
	if (h <> nil) then
			call it
			trash the first two words into NOPs

If an INIT disposes of itself, the handle will be put onto the free list
of handles. Specifically, the first handle on the free list is stored in
the handle being freed and that handle becomes the first on the free list.
So, trashing the first two words of the handle into NOPs results in the
original first handle on the free list being filled with 4E714E71. You can
then allocate two handles from the system heap without problem. The third
causes a access violation or bus error or whatever. And the rest of the
free handles in the system zone are lost.

This only applies to system file resident INITs, not those executed via
INIT 31. That is not to say that those INITs do not suffer from this same
malady, just that I haven't looked at them.

Apparently system file INITs are not supposed to be freed. I finally
unlocked the block and made it purgeable, but that still wastes a handle.
Anyone know anything more about this?

Anyone that wants corrected Warp 9 INIT code, just ask.

scott out