[comp.sys.mac] Query on keyboard driver ...

mayerk@linc.cis.upenn.edu (Kenneth Mayer) (07/06/87)

I know nothing about mac programming, but I would like advice on the following

My mother is physically handicapped; she has limited use of her right arm and
leg. Using a typewriter is a chore (although one-handed typing does exist).
The problem lies in the shift key. Currently, if her hand can't hold down
the shift with her pinky finger while hitting the appropriate key, my mother
must use the caps lock, type the key, then undo the caps lock. Very time

Mom has been interested in buying a word processing system, and I suggested
a low-end Mac might suit her needs. The user interface, especially the mouse
make it simple for her to manipulate an application. Again, the problem is
that systems assume two-handed operation, using the shift, command keys in
conjunction with the mouse operations.

I am familliar with the way the option-n, c, e, etc keys produce a "sticky"
key. Is it possible to write a keyboard driver that will make the shift, 
option, and command keys "sticky?" That is, hitting the shift key will
cause the next key to be shifted, option and command work the same way. If
no key is hit after, say 5 seconds, the shifting is "released." Similarly,
if you hit the shift key a second time it is unshifted.

I would think that this would be a simple program. Probably and INIT-31
type resource that would be initialized on boot up. (It should be able
to be disabled, perhaps by a new control panel, or a keyboard sequence.)

Would do you mac hackers out there think? Is it writable? How much time
would it take. (Assuming that the programmer is an experienced mac
programmer.) Would a novice programmer be able to do this? Would it muck
up other Apple applications?


Kenneth Mayer				mayerk@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Teacher: "Two plus two equals..."	Student: "Four, but what's a two?"

dowdy@apple.UUCP (Tom Dowdy) (07/07/87)

In article <1429@super.upenn.edu.upenn.edu>, mayerk@linc.cis.upenn.edu (Kenneth Mayer) writes:
> My mother is physically handicapped; she has limited use of her right arm and
> leg. Using a typewriter is a chore (although one-handed typing does exist).
> The problem lies in the shift key. Currently, if her hand can't hold down
> the shift with her pinky finger while hitting the appropriate key, my mother
> must use the caps lock, type the key, then undo the caps lock. Very time
> consuming.

The new system has a file in it called Easy Access.  It does just what
you describe.  It is envoked by hitting the shift key five times in a row.
From that point on, all modifier keys become sticky.  It is described
in detail in the new system release Teach Text notes.

In addition to sticky keys, it has the ability to move the mouse using
the numeric keypad. (This can be useful if you mouse decides to freeze up).

As far as I know, it functions with all existing Mac software.   

Also, you may wish to look into a mouse replacement device that sits
on the user's head and responds as they look around the screen.  I don't
know if it is still being sold, look in a recent Mac Buyer's Guide or
MacUser.  (I'm sorry, I don't have one of them in front of me and can't
recall the name of the company).  There is a really neat video tape
(it was sent out to Apple Users Groups a few months ago) that shows
someone who had no use of their arms using this device.  As the mouse
button they used a "blow switch" that was in their mouth.  They showed
the use of it in desktop publishing, as well as playing Airborne!
(Really a sight to see)

  Tom Dowdy                 CSNET:    dowdy@apple.CSNET
  Apple Computer MS:27Y     AppleLink:DOWDY1
  20525 Mariani Ave         UUCP:     {sun,voder,amdahl,decwrl}!apple!dowdy
  Cupertino, CA 95014       
  "Plus ca change, Plus c'est la meme chose."

stew@endor.harvard.edu (Stew Rubenstein) (07/07/87)

In article <1429@super.upenn.edu.upenn.edu> mayerk@linc.cis.upenn.edu.UUCP (Kenneth Mayer) writes:
>I am familliar with the way the option-n, c, e, etc keys produce a "sticky"
>key. Is it possible to write a keyboard driver that will make the shift, 
>option, and command keys "sticky?"

This has been done, by Apple, and it is part of System 4.1.  The feature
is called "Easy Access" and it is described in the "Read Me" file that should
have been in the Update Folder on your System Tools disk.  If you didn't get
this, go to Compuserve or your local Apple dealer.
Stew Rubenstein
Cambridge Scientific Computing, Inc.
UUCPnet:    seismo!harvard!rubenstein            CompuServe: 76525,421
Internet:   rubenstein@harvard.harvard.edu       MCIMail:    CSC

esf00@amdahl.amdahl.com (Elliott S. Frank) (07/07/87)

In article <1429@super.upenn.edu.upenn.edu> mayerk@linc.cis.upenn.edu.UUCP (Kenneth Mayer) writes:
> ... physically handicapped; she has limited use of her right arm and
>leg. Using a typewriter is a chore (although one-handed typing does exist).
> ... Very time consuming.

Yes.  And addressed by Apple in System 4.1 with a feature called "EASY
ACCESS".  It allows one handed (or even one-fingered) typing.  Works
with all Mac software.  No hacking required.

Elliott S Frank    ...!{hplabs,ames,seismo,sun}!amdahl!esf00     (408) 746-6384

[the above opinions are strictly mine, if anyone's.]
[the above signature may or may not be repeated, depending upon some
inscrutable property of the mailer-of-the-week.]

avjewe@cvl.umd.edu (Andrew V Jewell) (07/07/87)

In reference to that device that sits on the user's head and moves
the cursor in response to head movements :

Remember those "Now there's a mouse that flys" ads? This is them.

The company is Personics in Concord, MA 01742

I bought their original model that assumes the use of at least one
appendage to work the mouse button (below the space bar, where your
thumbs naturally rest). I am extremely impressed with 
the quality and attention to detail with respect to making it 
easy and convienient.

The user wears a very light headset which interacts with a small box
that sits on top of the mac (not obstructing the vents at all).
It plugs into the mouse port, and the original mouse can be plugged
into it. Switching between the headset and mouse is done with a click.

My understanding is that there is a more expensive setup that includes
a blow switch for the mouse button, and a desk accessory that puts a 
simplified keyoard on the screen, and allows typing to ANY application
with a point and a click.

I have no idea if there is one that works with the ADB.

                                Andy Jewell

                  -- I have no connection with these folks --
                  -- except for being a satisfied customer --