[comp.sys.mac] Statistics, Equations, Editors

rob@uokmax.UUCP (Robert K. Shull) (07/14/87)

(Does the line eater exist?)

A user at our university is looking for programs for the Macintosh with
LaserWriter which allow WYSIWYG editing with embedded equations. Something
as powerful as the troff-eqn-tbl system on Unix machines would be nice,
but ease of use is of more concern than greater capability. Also,
he needs a statistics/graphing package (fairly powerful.)
If you have any information, including prices and availability (including
future/planned releases) please let me know by mail.

		Thank you,
		Robert Shull
Robert K. Shull
University of Oklahoma, Engineering Computer Network
{seismo!okstate or ihnp4!occrsh}!uokmax!rob
CIS 73765,1254		Delphi	RKSHULL

beck@husc4.HARVARD.EDU ( beck) (07/14/87)

I am not sure about word processing (I use Word, which is decent but
not outstanding for equations). There are two excellent econometrics
programs for the MAC, RATS and SHAZAM. RATS has, I think, the better
graphics package, but is somewhat less friendly (though much more
powerful). Both programs are time series oriented, with SHAZAM possibly
being a bit more flexible. RATS is distributed by VAR, somewhere near 
Chicago, and SHAZAM by Ken White, Dept. of Econ., UBC.

I have no connection with either group, other then spending about 5 hours
a day with RATS.

Neal Beck
Dept. of Gov.
Harvard U.

dquah@athena.mit.edu (Danny Quah) (07/16/87)

In article <2524@husc6.UUCP> beck@husc4.UUCP ( beck) writes:
> There are two excellent econometrics
>programs for the MAC, RATS and SHAZAM. RATS has, I think, the better
>graphics package, but is somewhat less friendly (though much more
>powerful). Both programs are time series oriented, with SHAZAM possibly
>being a bit more flexible. RATS is distributed by VAR, somewhere near 
>Chicago, and SHAZAM by Ken White, Dept. of Econ., UBC.
	Since this has come up here, RATS is by Thomas A. Doan and
Robert B. Litterman, VAR Econometrics PO Box 1818, Evanston IL 60204-1818.
I haven't seen the MAC version, but swear by their PC and mainframe
implementations. I do all my econometrics in C and fortran usually;
RATS is the only econometrics package I will even go near.

Non-disclaimer: The (original) authors are good friends of mine, 
and I sympathize greatly with the approach and philosophy of the
RATS econometrics package, but I have no financial connection with
VAR econometrics.

dquah@athena.mit.edu or dquah@dolphin.mit.edu
Dept. of Economics MIT, E52-262d, (617)253-0914

dquah@athena.mit.edu or dquah@dolphin.mit.edu
Dept. of Economics, E52-262d, (617)253-0914