[net.wanted] Request for Software Design Tools under UN*X

jpm@calmasd.UUCP (08/04/84)

This is a request for information about a software package to
support data flow design and transform analysis of the data flow
into a hierarchical software structure.

We are constructing a complete software development environment
and my responsibility is to define the preliminary design and
detailed design sections.  We have chosen data flow etc. as
defined by Yourdon (and others).  Now, I need some software to
help carry this out.  In particular, we need:
1.  A data dictionary to hold all the info in the data flow
2.  A graphical(?) editor for the data flow diagrams
3.  A tool to help carry out the transform part, and
4.  A database (or reasonable facsimile) that will contain the
hierarchical software structure.
5.  Maybe some detailed design tools to design the logic of the
modules and hopefully integrated with the preliminary design tools
above.  Could be PDL or one step above (like flowcharts-yechhh!)

This stuff should be compatible with RCS or SCCS or something like
that since the design process ultimately results in software
modules that must be controlled.  The stuff I am looking for could
be part of a bigger package.

Our environment is now VAX/UN*X 4.2 with VT100 and VT125.  But it
could change to SUN/UN*X (and VAX hanging around too).  I will take
suggestions for either or both environments, or any other similar

If you have any suggestions at all, I would be glad to hear them.
Please don't flame the approach I am taking to software design
though, unless you think that I am really a moron, in which case I
guess I should know that.  PLEASE respond by mail if at all
possible!  Otherwise post replies to this news group.

John McNally  Calma San Diego (619)-458-3358
