[comp.sys.mac] Astrology Software?

clubmac@runx.ips.oz (Macintosh Users Group) (08/18/87)

Does anyone know whether there is Astrology software for the Mac? And if so,
from where can it be obtained?

Jason Haines, President

Club Mac Macintosh Users Group, Sydney, Australia
Telecom:   (02) 73-4444
Snail:     Box 213, Holme Building, Sydney University, NSW, 2006, Australia
ACSnet:    clubmac@runx.ips.oz	   ARPA:   clubmac%runx.ips.oz@seismo.css.gov

infinity@well.UUCP (sunny at Infinity Software) (08/21/87)

Graphic Astrology
Time Cycles Research
27 Dimmock Road
Waterford, Connecticut