mpj@orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU (09/15/87)
*ABOUT MACHACK WEST* (Trademark use with permission from EXPOTECH, Inc.) The MacHack West Conference is a technical meeting for Macintosh software developers (students, faculty, and industry professionals). The conference will be held at the LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University and is sponsored by the OSU Computer Science Department and Apple Computer, Inc. The conference will focus on development systems, development support, marketing, and new Apple products. Speakers, moderators, and panel members will represent academia, industry, and Apple Computer, Inc. *Registration* A registration fee of $75 ($125 after September 20) provides attendees admission to the technical sessions, a continental breakfast, a lunch, the closing picnic, the banquet, and the keynote address by Steve Wozniak. A disk with an on-line Macintosh toolbox manual will be given to each registrant. Students may register for a reduced fee of $35. *Housing* On campus housing is available at Hawley Hall at $15/night for single occupancy and $10/night for double occupancy. There are also numerous motels near the university. *Facilities* Vendor space will be available at LaSells Stewart Center. The Computer Science Department's Macintosh Laboratory will be open 24 hours a day for conference attendees. About 60 Macintoshes will be available including an 80M Appleshare file server with 10 Mac II's filled with public domain software and shareware. Apple will be displaying about 10 Mac II's in the lab. Other campus facilities will be open for visitation including the large Sun/Unix-PC-Macintosh Ethernet LAN in the School of Oceanography. *Transporatation* Air travel is into Eugene or Portland with limo service to Corvallis. Amtrak takes you to Albany, 11 miles from Corvallis. Greyhound serves Corvallis. Corvallis is 12 miles west of Interstate Highway 5 at Exit 228. *Contacts* For technical information contact MacHack West, Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, (503) 754-3273, machackw@oregon-state. For registration information contact MacHack West, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th Street, Corvallis, OR 97331-3102, (503) 754-2402. *MacHack WEST CONFERENCE SCHEDULE* Wednesday, September 23 7:00 - 10:00 PM Registration, Social, and Facilities Open House Thursday, September 24 8:00 - 10:00 AM Late Registration 8:00 - 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM Welcome - Dr. John Byrne, President, Oregon State Univ Opening Address: "The Knowledge Society" Dr. Larry Blake, President, Oregon Institute of Technology 10:00 - 12:00 Noon Panel Discussion - Macintosh Development Systems Ted Lewis, Professor of Computer Science, OSU Moderator Jordan Mattson, Developer Tools, Apple (MPW) Andrew Singer, Think Technologies (Lightspeed Pascal and Lightspeed C) William Clinger, Semantic Microsystems/Tektronix (MacScheme and Toolsmith) Ned Horvath, Manx (Aztec C) 12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch - Box lunch provided 1:30 - 3:00 PM Concurrent Sessions Technical Session I A. MPW, Jordan Mattson, Developer Tools, Apple B. Lightspeed, Andrew Singer, Think Technologies C. MacScheme+Toolsmith, William Clinger, Semantic Microsystems/Tektronics D. Color QuickDraw, Art Cabel, Apple E. Getting Started With Macintosh Programming Jim Takasuta, Apple 3:30 - 5:00 PM Concurrent Sessions Technical Session II A. Apple Developer Support Programs Jim Takatsuka, Systems Engineer, Apple B. Developing Slot Firmware for the Mac II Dan Weston, E Machines C. Bringing Software to Market Erik Gould, Independent Software Developer D. MacApp Jordan Mattson, Product Manager, Apple 5:00 - 7:00 PM Lab Demonstrations and Social Hour 7:00 PM Banquet 8:00 PM Keynote Address (Steve Wozniak has cancelled and Apple is looking for a suitable replacement) Friday, September 25 7:30 - 8:30 AM Coffee and Tea Service 8:30 - 10:00 AM Concurrent Sessions Technical Session III A. Apple Developer Support Programs Jim Takatsuka, Systems Engineer, Apple B. Writing International Software Jordan Mattson, Product Manager, Apple C. Future Compatibility/Mac II, AppleShare, Future OS Chris Derossi, Apple Developer Support 10:15 - 11:45 AM Concurrent Sessions Technical Session IV A. Dealing with Publishers Erik Gould, Independent Software Developer B. Future Compatility/Mac II, AppleShare, Future OS Chris Derossi, Apple Developer Support C. Networking Evan Solley, Infosphere D. A/UX Fred Huxham, Apple Developer Support E. Picture Compatibility between Applications Joel West, Palomar Software, Inc. 12:00 - 1:30 PM Apple Panel Q & A Session (BASH Apple) Chris Derossi Jim Friedlander Fred Huxham Jordan Mattson 2:00 PM Closing Picnic MacHack West Registration Form Return to: Name___________________________________ MacHack West Title__________________________________ LaSells Stewart Center Company________________________________ 875 SW 26th Street Address_________________________ Corvallis, OR City/State/Zip_________________________ 97331-3102 Phone__________________________________ (503) 754-2402 Conference registration ($75 before Sept. 20, $125 after Sept. 20, $35 for students) # attending _____ @ ______ $ ________ Vendor fee (in addition to registration) # booths _____ @ $100.00 $ ________ on-campus housing ($10/night double occupancy, $15/night single occupancy) #nights _______ @ ______ $ ________ conference T-shirts (circle size: S M L XL) #_____ @ $8.00 $ ________ TOTAL (MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Oregon State University TOTAL $ ________ *Cancellations* Cancellations will be refunded the registration less $25. To assist us in planning rooms for the sessions please fill in your preferences for which of the concurrent technical sessions that you plan to attend. 1. A.___ II. A. ___ III. A. ___ IV. A. ___ B.___ B. ___ B. ___ B. ___ C.___ C. ___ C. ___ C. ___ D.___ D. ___ D. ___ D. ___ E.___ F.___ G.___