cheeser@dasys1.UUCP (09/27/87)
TECH TIDBITS SPECIAL ON-LINE SERVICES EDITION U March through August, 1987 Macintosh - Volume I % %J% MACINTOSH FAMILY %J%J% Mac 512KE and MacPlus to LaserWriter ================================== Q: I have a 512Ke and Macintosh Plus that I want to connect to a LaserWriter Plus. What cables do I need? A: Apple has two types of AppleTalk connectors. The AppleTalk Connector Kit, P/N M2010, and the AppleTalk System Connector Kit, P/N M2052. The M2010 has a 9 pin connector and is used on the 512K, 512Ke, LaserWriter, and LaserWriter P lus. The M2052 has an 8 pin, mini-circular, connector and is used with the Mac intosh Plus, Apple IIgs, Macintosh II, and ImageWriter II with an AppleTalk Op tion Card. Reverse Mac Screen for Legally Blind ==================================== Q: A customer who is legally blind wants to know if a Macintosh screen can be reversed by having a white text on a black background. This would seem to require a hardware modification. The control panel does only the desktop and does not affect any application. Is there a way to do it? Would it be passible for the dealer to do the modification? A: According to Alan Brightman of University Marketing at Apple, there is a software program on the market designed specifically for the visually impaired. This package is called "InLarge" and it is marketed by Berkeley System Design, 1708 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709. The phone number i s 415-540-5537. Addendum: In response to last week's article concerning inverse Macintosh te xt, Ken Landau has provided us with a Public Domain Program written by Darin A dler. Thanks Ken, for taking time from your busy schedule to provide us with t his useful application. This PD Program has been uploaded to the User's Group Bulletin Board on AppleLink and is available for download. Kanji - ROM or Software? ======================== Q. A customer is interested in obtaining a Mac with Kanji. Is Kanji a ROM or software package? A. The Kanji system does not need special ROMs to run. It will run on a Mac Plus or above with software alone. In Japan the Kanji Mac does have a differ ent set of ROMs but the only difference between the Kanji ROMs and regular Mac Plus ROMs is that the necessary fonts are in ROM for the Japanese machines. If the software does not find the fonts in ROM it loads them from the disk int o memory. The Kanji ROMs are not available outside Japan. MacPlus and MacSE on a Network ============================== Q: I have a network that consists of a Macintosh Plus and a Macintosh SE. Whi ch System Software version should I use? A: When a network includes a Macintosh SE, you should use the latest System S oftware on all CPUs on the Network. MacintoshSE "Feature" ===================== There is a known "feature" (read BUG) with the Macintosh SE, dual floppy mod el, and the "StartUp Device" control panel option. If you select the StartUp D evice when no hard disk is attached, you will receive an ID=02 or ID=10 bomb w hen you choose a second control panel option. Until the System software is upd ated, remove the StartUp Device Icon from your system folder on all dual flopp y SEs that do not have a hard disk attached, Greek Font for the Mac ====================== Q: My customer requires a Greek language font for use in publishing a Greek newspaper. Do you know if anyone offers such a font? A: There are several sources for Greek and other foreign language fonts. Thre e are listed below: Company Product Phone -------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- Linguists' Software Super Greek (617) 468-3037 SMK SMK Greek Keys (312) 947-9157 Altsys Corporation Fontastic Fonts (214) 424-4888 MicroSoft Works Tip =================== There is no provision in the database for setting standard values or an easy way to populate a category with duplicate information. One work-around is to c reate the data in a spreadsheet, then cut and paste it into your database. Macintosh SE Technical Trivia ============================= For a real treat, press the interrupt button (Not the reset button) on the SE . From the Debugger prompt type "G 41D89A" and then press return. (There's a SPACE between the G and the 4). %J%J% DISK DRIVES %J%J% A New Slant on the HD20 ======================= Q: Will operating the HD20 on a slanted surface have any adverse effects on t he unit or its functioning? A: In current hard drive technology, the read/write heads actually float on a cushion of air. Theoretically, you should be able to operate the unit in any position. However, we do not recommend running any hard disk on an inclined su rface for any length of time. Apple hard disk units have four feet on the bott om and assume a "level" surface. % %J% PRINTERS %J%J% Choose DRAFT to Print in Near Letter Quality Mode! ================================================== Q: Is there a way to access the built-in Near Letter Quality font of the ImageWriter // from the Macintosh? A: Yes, you set the front panel switch to NLQ mode, both lights on, and then indicate that you want to print in DRAFT from the Print Dialog Box. Has Bi-Directional Printing Disappeared? ======================================== Q: Why does "Faster" mode no longer print bi-directionally on an ImageWriter II? A: This is a function of the new ImageWriter II print driver. Uni-directional passes of the printhead line up much more accurately than bi-directional pass es. This provides much more precise printouts. ImageWriter II Trivia ===================== Q: What is the loudest sound level that the ImageWriter II can produce? A: The ImageWriter II will produce a maximum sound level of 55db. WYS Is Not WYG ============== Q: We can't obtain a full line across the page in a header for MacWrite when printing to a LaserWriter or LaserWriter Plus. The same line extends all the w ay across when printed on an ImageWriter. What's the problem? A: Characters on a Macintosh screen, especially the space bar, display differ ently when printed on a LaserWriter. Use a mono-spaced font to obtain properly spaced printing in this situation. Open a new header, select "Courier" as th e font. Choose "underline" in the style menu, press and hold the space bar. After a few spaces have been typed, you should see the line start to move acro ss the page. When the line nears the right side, release the space bar, then add individual keypresses until the underline touches the right margin. This line should now print properly on both the LaserWriter and ImageWriter. Mac to ImageWriter II and 32K Buffer ==================================== Q: I need information regarding the 32K buffer for the ImageWriter II. Is the 32K buffer supported by most Mac software? A: You won't realize a significant increase in productivity using the 32K Buf fer in conjunction with a Macintosh and standard printing functions. Fonts and graphics consume large quantities of RAM and 32K is not sufficient for most M acintosh print activities. The most effective way to take advantage of the buf fer is to set the front panel switches to Near Letter Quality and select "Draf t" from the print dialog box. %J%J% RESOURCES %J%J% User Group and Dealer Information ================================= The Apple 800-number to help Apple owners locate User Groups of Apple Authori zed Dealers in their area is 800-538-9696, Ext. 500. The operator will ask fo r your zip code and will give you address and phone number of nearest User Gro ups or Dealers in your geographic vicinity. %J%J% APPLETALK %J%J% APPLETALK --------- Q: Are the AppleTalk cables insulated with teflon? I know that the custom wiring kits are teflon, but I can't find any information concerning the covering of the "regular" cable kit, M2010. A: According to the "AppleTalk Personal Network" that comes with each connec tor kit, the 2 and 10 meter cables are PVC coated and are not Teflon. If you n eed to route these cables through walls or the ceiling, it is necessary to rou te them through metal conduit. AppleTalk Configuration ----------------------- Q: Is it possible to purchase the assembly plugs for the Appletalk network. We need more for a project than are provided in the custom wiring kit. If the y are available separately, what is their product number for ordering and cost ? A: AESP has a complete line of AppleLink compatible connectors and cables. T hey can be reach at: Advanced Electronic Support Products 1680 N.E. 205th Terrace North Miami Beach, FL 33179 Orders: 1-800-235-1337 Information: 305-653-1337 Reliable Connections! ===================== Kensington Microware markets inexpensive "clips" that provide significant rel iability improvement over standard AppleTalk connections. For more information contact: Kensington Microware at (212)475-5200. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 Feature Article MacPaint Hints & Tips 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 % Hold down the OPTION key to: draw lines with selected pattern, duplicate objects (select object with the Selection Rectangle or Lasso tools and drag w hile holding down the Option key), turn the pencil tool into a "grabber." % To erase large areas, select the full page view and move the area to be erased off the page (a rectangular area can be chopped very rapidly by repeating this procedure at two opposite corners of the page). % You can erase smaller areas by selecting with either the Selection Rectangl e or Lasso tools and then pressing the Backspace key. % Using the Shift key with the pencil tool while in FatBits allows you to dra w straight lines, both vertically and horizontally. % When you have the pencil tool selected, you can get into FatBits quickly by pressing the Command key and clicking in the spot where you want FatBits to d isplay. % You can use "transparent" paint with MacPaint. Hold down the Command key wh ile using the Paint Brush, Spray Can, or Paint Bucket tools. % Holding down the Command and Option keys while dragging an object creates s ome interesting results. % Double-Clicking on the Hand Icon will display the full page. % Double-Clicking on the Selection Rectangle tool will select the entire draw ing window. % Double-Clicking on the Erasure tool will erase the drawing window. % You can reduce or enlarge and object by copying it to the clipboard and the n pasting it back into an appropriately sized area indicated with the Selectio n Rectangle Tool. % Use the ~ key in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard as an "Un-do" k ey. It works the same as the Menu Item. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 Feature Article Mac Write Hints 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 % Delete text quickly by holding down the OPTION key while selecting it. % MacPaint pictures that have been imported into MacWrite print better if TAL L ADJUSTED is selected from the PAGE SETUP menu. % The font style of the page number, date, and or time in the header is that of the first character of the header (even if a blank space); same for the footer. % OPTION-SPACE produces an invisible "bond" between words that prevent their being separated at page breaks. % To return to the cursor after scrolling, press the Enter Key, Caution: if t ext is selected this will erase it. % To avoid repetitive typing of a word or phrase, substitute a series of lett ers that are easy to type but that do not normally occur Q such as XZX, ASD, Q WE, or QAZ Q then use SEARCH and CHANGE to substitute the correct word or phra se. % To use special characters such as "ou want under the accent. For example, for the tilde over the n, press Option-n (nothing shows on the screen) and th en press the n. You should now have "most all applications , even AppleLink. % To select large areas of a document, click at the beginning point, use the scroll box to find the end of the selection, hold down the Shift key and click again. This will select the whole area. % Unable to create a new document? MacWrite 4.5 needs at least 11K available on the application disk to create a new document. % Text and graphics can't be placed side by side in MacWrite. You can paste g raphics into the Header and then place the header variables, page number, time and date, on top of the graphics. % MacWrite & LaserPrinting: When using full justification, if the last charac ter on a line is cut off, make sure that you have the respective Font installe d as a screen font. You can quickly tell the difference from the Font Menu. If the Font size is displayed as "hollow" it has been installed as a screen font . If it's solid black, it has not. Use the Font/DA Mover version 3.2 or higher to install the font into your System file. % You can quickly adjust Tab stops without having to wait after each addition or deletion by inserting a Ruler just above the current Ruler. Make the neces sary corrections and then delete the original Ruler. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 Copyright, August 14,1987 Apple Computer, Inc., East Coast Technical Support. Permission is hereby granted for the use of Tech Tidbits, in part or in whole , in any non-commercial publication, or for use by any non-commercial group or organization or Apple User Group with the following credit: Reprinted from "Tech Tidbits" with the permission of Apple Computer, Inc., East Coast Technical Support." Permission to use "Tech Tidbits", in part or in whole, f or commercial use must first be obtained in writing. Sue Goodin, Editor-In-Chief. AppleLink Address: Goodin2 Distributed via UseNet by cheeser@dasys1 ***************************************************************************** * -- =============================================================================== Jonathan Bing, Master (cheeser) ...ihnp4!hoptoad!dasys1!cheeser Time flys like an Arrow, Fruit Flies like Bananas! ===============================================================================