NETOPRDC@NCSUVM.BITNET (Daniel C. Carr) (10/19/87)
I am connecting a Macintosh to an IBM, to transfer files onto an IBM Bulletin B oard. I was able to get the two beasts hooked together and file transfer is gr eat. my problem is that xmodem is really fast, but i have to transfer one file at a time. Kermit can do a server mode, but it is slower. I need an Xmodem package for the IBM that will do a server mode. please e-mail me any suggestions you have. I have for the Mac: Red Ryder 9.4, VersaTerm, and MacKermit I have for the IBM: Qmodem SST, Procomm, GT-Powercomm, and Kermit thanks, _________________________ :: : // daniel carr / :: NETOPRDC@NCSUVM.BITnet : // GEnie: d.c.carr / :: : //________________________/ I|I ': I|I _. '::I|I/ :I|I|