[comp.sys.mac] CMKermit cursor

khayo@sonia.cs.ucla.edu (Erazm J. Behr) (10/17/87)

Has anyone successfully modified the heavy black cursor in MacKermit?
It's getting on my nerves a little bit. I tried ResEdit, but I can't
find it in the resources anywhere. I can live with it, but it would be
nice......                              Thanks, Eric.
          >>>>--------------->         khayo@math.ucla.edu

dplatt@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Dave Platt) (10/18/87)

The cursor in CKMKER isn't done via a resource (either a CRSR or a
FONT character).  Instead, it's done by a specific InvertRect call
that toggles the screen-bits that lie under the cursor location.  As
far as I can tell, there's no way to change its appearance without
going in with a code-patching utility and altering the code that
calculates the dimensions of the rectangle.

I don't like it much, either... and if/when I succeed in porting
CKMKER into Lightspeed C, I may decide to create an alternate cursor
shape and/or set up a nonblinking cursor.

verber@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mark A. Verber) (10/19/87)

Save yourself the trouble.  Paul Placeway here at OSU has already
ported MacKermit to LightspeedC.  He has also added long packets, and
is making the terminal emulator full ansi.  I believe he has maild his
changes to Columbia.

Computer Science Department			         Mark A. Verber
The Ohio State University			 verber@ohio-state.arpa
+1 (614) 292-7344				  cbosgd!osu-cis!verber