woo@amelia (Alex Woo) (10/20/87)
I purchased a Mac II in June and found that many of my programs failed to run correctly on the new machine. I originally thought this was due to ROM and Finder incompatibilities. I am now receiving upgrades which are reputed to be Mac II compatible and still having problems so I am more inclined to suspect hardware problems. Of course, the 90 day warrantly has just expired. The two programs (besides games) with the most problems are LightSpeed Pascal version 1.11a and TeXTures 1.0. I have verified that these programs run correctly on other MacII's. The bombs aren't totally consistent but usual consist of BUS ERR8FFC6000 MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ and the nearest ROM trap is In ROM C826DC0 A05A PrimeTime OR, CoPr ERR or loss of horizontal sync of my monochrome monitor. Before I try to find an authorized Apple Dealer, I would like to have an inkling of the problem. If you have a hardware reference manual, could you look up the CoPr ERR message or the BUS ERR message and drop me a note. Any help you might give would be greatly appreciated. ====================================================================== Alex Woo, MS 227-2 | wu@ames-aero.arpa NASA Ames Research Center | woo@ames-nas.arpa Moffett Field, CA 94035 | {seismo,topaz,lll-crg,ucbvax}! Phone: (415) 694-6010 | ames!pioneer!woo ====================================================================== {hplabs,hao,ihnp4,decwrl,allegra,tektronix,menlo70}!ames!pioneer!woo ======================================================================