demillo@uwmacc.UUCP (08/15/84)
I'm posting this request for a friend of mine. Please send all responses via mail... I'd like to know the names of any public access computing centers in either the Boston area or the Berkley area. Any computer service that allows public access to either microcomputers or large scale computers would be welcome. Many thanks from cheese land.... - Rob DeMillo Madison Academic Computing Center "...I don't know what this is, but it's pointing in your direction..."
fair@dual.UUCP (Erik E. Fair) (08/17/84)
There are two, with a third starting soon: Basis Timesharing (They charge, but are professional) ucbvax!unisoft!basis!zeus Proper UNIX (actually in Oakland, this one is free) ucbvax!dual!proper!les (Les Kent) and the new one to open Real-Soon-Now, Vectronics Computing (I don't know what John is going to do) ucbvax!dual!vectron!uhley (John Uhley) Hope this helps, Erik E. Fair ucbvax!fair fair@ucb-arpa.ARPA dual!fair@BERKELEY.ARPA {ihnp4,ucbvax,hplabs,decwrl,cbosgd,sun,nsc,apple,pyramid}!dual!fair Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California