UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Eric H. Romo) (10/16/87)
For registered owners of Red Ryder 10.0 you can now get version 10.1 from the Freesoft RT on Genie. Its in a Stuffit(xxxxxx.sit) file. I thoughtsome e out there may want to know. Sounds like the patch process is down the tubes- This is a full working stand alone program, once it's un-stuffed. ------- ERIC H. ROMO <UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET> CHEMISTRY DEPT. UNIV. OF NORTH DAKOTA GRAND FORKS, N.D.
UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Eric H. Romo) (10/16/87)
Apparently, there are so many bugs in Red Ryder 10.1 that SWATSON pulled it out of the Software Libraries and will upload a patch to convert it (and 10.0) to v10.2 real soon now. Sorry if I got anyone misinformed with my first message but I didn't think 10.1 would have been so buggy that he'd pull it out of circulation. Thanks, ------- ERIC H. ROMO <UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET> CHEMISTRY DEPT. UNIV. OF NORTH DAKOTA GRAND FORKS, N.D.
khayo@sonia.cs.ucla.edu (Erazm J. Behr) (10/17/87)
In article <368UD069225@NDSUVM1> UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Eric H. Romo) writes: >Apparently, there are so many bugs in Red Ryder 10.1 that SWATSON pulled >it out of the Software Libraries and will upload a patch to convert it >(and 10.0) to v10.2 real soon now. Sorry if I got anyone misinformed >with my first message but I didn't think 10.1 would have been so buggy >that he'd pull it out of circulation. Thanks, Upon donning my fireproof suit: you know, I'm sick & tired of RR. I spent $xx to get 9.4 (having been led to believe that I'm paying for RR10), then I'm told I need to spend an extra $40 for extra speed with extra bugs and loads of esoteric extra features that I will never need. SWatson never replied to my N letters on GEnie (even though this is listed as a way to get support.) I dusted off my CMKermit, obtained thanks to the courtesy of one of you and I'm slowly getting used to it. It's faster, more reliable vis a vis Unix and I doesn't promise what it can't deliver. Bugger RR, bugger SW. Sorry. Eric ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>---------------> khayo@math.ucla.edu
Mark_Peter_Cookson@cup.portal.com (10/23/87)
You can also get 10.2!!! I have it, but got it from a friend that got it from GEnie (what can I say, I'm cheap (but I did pay the upgrade price for 10.0!)). Mark Cookson