[comp.sys.mac] Newspapers and Macs

derek@mind.UUCP (Derek Gross) (10/27/87)

	I work on a college newspaper (weekly, 16-20 pp.) that is about to
leave the Dark Ages and switch over to Macs for typesetting and, eventually,
layout.  We're not sure yet exactly what hardware/software we're going to buy,
but it will be something along the lines of:

2-3 Mac Pluses or SEs
1   hard disk
1   LaserWriter Plus [or cheaper compatible]

	I would be very interested in hearing from people who have experience
with this sort of transition or who are now working on a paper with this sort
of system.  Please reply to:  gross@oberlin.edu
                           or sdg0906%ocvaxa@cmccvb.bitnet
                           or sdg0906%ocvaxa@vb.cc.cmu.edu

        Thanks in advance --

		Derek Gross
		copy editor, _The Oberlin Review_