moriarty@fluke.UUCP (10/30/87)
In article <650@artecon.artecon.UUCP> macbeth@artecon.UUCP (David Macy-Beckwith) writes: >Anyone know if MS Word supports Multifinder? I've been using MS Word 3.01 for a month-and-a-half with MultiFinder, both Beta and Release versions, and haven't had a bit of trouble with it. MS Word, along with VersaTerm, are the two programs I've used the most AND had the least trouble with in conjunction with MultiFinder. Frankly, I think the problem with FullWrite's late release is that their product planners kept adding new features well after the point where they should have said "Code's frozen, send it to the beta sites". Now they've got a rushed bag of tricks with inadequate debugging, and they're trying to get it in shape enough to send it out to Beta sites (I have two friends who are designated FullWrite beta sites who STILL haven't recieved anything). Or maybe all those rumors about Ann Arbor being bought up are true -- the Oct. 26th issue of Macintosh Today said that MicroPro announced that "it was negotiatiing the aquisition of a company -- which it would not identify -- that would provide it with a high-end Macintosh word processing entry." MicroPro's CEO said that they expect to "announce the aquisition in 60 days, and ship the product in the first quarter of 1988." Hmmm... I wonder who they could be talking about. I won-der what company has a high-end word processor ready to ship for this quarter? Could it be... oh, *I* don't know... maybe... **** FULLWRITE PROFESSIONAL ***** ????? [Nah. It's probably Satan.] "Conquest." "I had a premonition he was going to say that." Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer INTERNET: moriarty@tc.fluke.COM Manual UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, allegra, hplsla, lbl-csam}!fluke!moriarty CREDO: You gotta be Cruel to be Kind... <*> DISCLAIMER: Do what you want with me, but leave my employers alone! <*>