cimeti@nucsrl.UUCP (Israel Cimet) (11/26/87)
27-Jan-87 11:17:15-PST Reply-To: >Does anyone have recommendations for someone who wants to write >scientific papers on the Mac in the "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" >fashion? A paper might include text, formulae, tables, footnotes >(both at the bottom of a page or at the end of the paper), bibliography, >and/or possibly graphics (PICT format must likely). The paper might >be printed on the ImageWriter I, II or the LaserWriter/+. > >Is there an integrated package for this? If not, what pieces seem >to work well together? Almost a year has passed since this survey was done (it is available from info-mac). The consensus then was that there was no integrated package but that you could use MacEqn to write equations and Word 3.0+Scholar's Aid to do everything else. Are there any new developments on this front?. Is there finally an integrated package?. Is the above combination the best one?, does it work well?. Please reply via e-mail and I will summarize to the net. Thanks!. ------------------------------------------ I. Arieh Cimet Northwestern University