[comp.sys.mac] Lisp/Prolog

mittal@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Vibhu O. Mittal) (12/06/87)

I've just got myself a Mac Plus and would like to know of any versions of
Lisp or Prolog available for the Mac, and if more than one, which in your
opinion is the best, in terms of execution speed (not really important) and
debugging features (very important!).

I don't normally read this group, so I would be grateful of you could e-mail
responses directly to me. If there are sufficient responses, I will be happy
to summarize.


Vibhu Mittal

|  Vibhu Mittal                                  mittal@ohio-state.arpa    |
|  Dept. of Computer Science                     cbosgd!osu-cis!mittal     |
|  Ohio State University                                                   |
|  Columbus, Ohio 43210-1277                     Ph: 614-293-0859          |

*                              Vibhu O. Mittal	    	                   *
*                           cbosgd!osu-cis!mittal                          *
+-- mittal@ohio-state.arpa ----------------------- Ph: 614-293-0859 ---- --+