[comp.sys.mac] Alexander Falk

raylau@dasys1.UUCP (Raymond Lau) (12/19/87)

I know that this isn't the appropriate place, but bec. of a lack of

If Alexander Falk, from Austria, is reading this, send me a mail msg. with your
address.  Each time I try to send mail, ye old Daemon returns it.

That's it.

Raymond Lau                       GEnie: RayLau
100-04 70 Ave.                    CIS: 76174,2617
Forest Hills, NY 11375-5133       Delphi: RaymondLau
United States of America          MacNET: RayLau
uucp: raylau@dasys1.UUCP (..{phri,cucard,bc-cis,mstan}!dasys1!raylau})