kfr@zippy.eecs.umich.edu (Karl F. Ruehr) (01/03/88)
I am trying to use Red Ryder to communicate with my favorite UNIX tools (Miranda, ML and the Cornell Program Synthesizer) in something other than vanilla ASCII. To do so, I have created a font with all the usual ASCII symbols in their usual places, but with the "upper half" of the font filled with the symbols I want (Greek letters, algebraic operations, quantifiers and such like). With minor problems (a screen update / leading problem) this works fine for Red Ryder--I even have the information on how to get my local network to properly transmit 8 bit codes, etc. The problem comes in on the UNIX end: I cannot get the proper settings of communications modes ("raw", "cooked", etc.) under 4.3 BSD to send 8-bit codes without the connection dying miserably. Any ideas on the necessary tweakings of the (multitude of) parameters? I am no communications protocol hacker, so be gentle ... If I have any success, I will post a summary to the net. -- Fritz Ruehr (kfr@zippy.eecs.umich.edu)