[comp.sys.mac] Debugging LDEV from Lightspeed Pascal

jmm@thoth8.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU (01/09/88)

I have an LDEV that I've written in LSP that has the virtue of forcing me
to reboot every time I try to use it.  Is there any way I can use the
LSP debugging environment to find the problems?  If not, where do I go
about learning how to use MacsBugs in conjunction with LSP (I've read
the documentation in the LSP book, but I also need some basic information
about the assembly language that MacsBugs displays and how to translate
that back into the Pascal statements.)

Are there technotes about LDEVs that I should read?  Or about the list manager
in gereral?


James Moore
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/ Go raibh sonas agus	/    	|  jmm@bartleby.berkeley.edu
/ rath oraibh an	/	|--------------------------------------------|
/ Nollaig agus san	/	|   The University of California only knows  |
/ Athbhliain!		/	|   me as a number.  They couldn't care less |
/ 			/	|   what my opinions are.                    |
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