[comp.sys.mac] How to use CheapBeep

hammen@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Robert Hammen) (01/29/88)

I have seen several requests for an explanation of how CheapBeep works.
Here goes. CheapBeep is a CDEV (control panel device), so in order to
use it, you must be using System 4.0 or later. Put CheapBeep in your
System Folder. Also, create a folder, put in the appropriate SoundCap/Sound-
Wave files you might want as your beep sounds, and place that folder inside
your system folder. Reboot your Mac, and select the Control Panel DA. Choose
the CheapBeep icon. You will now see that you need to specify the folder
where the sound files are. Do so. You should see a listing of the files.
Selecting a file and pressing the Enter key will play the file. If it is
played at the wrong sampling rate, there are radio buttons that let you
adjust the sampling rate. An interesting note - by shift-clicking on the
names of the sound files, you can play multiple files for your beep sound.
After everything is set the way you want it, close the Control Panel and
reboot. Now, your beep sound should be what you selected. I hope this

Robert Hammen		Computer Applications	hammen@csd4.milw.wisc.edu
Delphi: HAMMEN		GEnie: R.Hammen		CI$: 70701,2104