[comp.sys.mac] Writting a DA in LSC

milt@mist.cs.orst.edu (Milt Sagen) (01/29/88)

I'm making my first attempt at writing a DA using LightSpeed C and I'm not
having very much luck.

The code, which follows, puts up a single window and should only handle update
events.  The window does get created by when it is the active window, the
windows below it will no longer update correctly.  Also when it is the top
window and I try to quit the underlying application the computer hangs.  It is
as if the DA has taken over the machine and is intercepting all events.

Could one of you people with more experience than I (which isn't much) tell me
what I left out or what I am doing that is entirely wrong.


#include		<WindowMgr.h>
#include		<DeviceMgr.h>
#include		<EventMgr.h>

#ifndef	NULL
#define	NULL	0L
#endif	NULL

DCtlPtr		dce ;

main(p, d, n)
   cntrlParam	*p ;
   DCtlPtr	 d ;
   int		 n ;
	WindowPtr	curWindow ;
	Rect		theRect ;
	WindowPeek	theWPeek ;
	if( d->dCtlStorage == 0 ) {
	   if( n == 0 ) {		/* open the DA */
	      SysBeep(3) ;
              CloseDriver( d->dCtlRefNum ) ;
	   return( 0 ) ;
	dce = d ;
	switch( n ) {
	   case 0 :   /* open the DA */
		dce->dCtlEMask = 64 ;	/* update events only */
		GetPort( &curWindow ) ;
		if( dce->dCtlWindow == NULL ) { /* then allocate the window */
		   SetRect( &theRect, 156, 71, 356, 271 ) ;
		   dce->dCtlWindow = NewWindow( 0L, &theRect, "\pMy DA", false,
						 rDocProc, (Ptr)-1, true, 0L ) ;
		   theWPeek = (WindowPeek) dce->dCtlWindow ;
		   theWPeek->windowKind = dce->dCtlRefNum ;
	        SetPort( curWindow ) ;
	        break ;
	   case 2 :  		/* dispatch events */
		switch( p->csCode ) {
		   case accEvent :
		      DoEvents( (EventRecord *) p->csParam ) ;
		      break ;
		break ;
	   case 4 :
  	        GetPort( &curWindow ) ;
		DisposeWindow( dce->dCtlWindow ) ;
		dce->dCtlWindow = NULL ;
		SetPort( curWindow ) ;
		break ;
	return(0) ;

DoEvents( theEvent )
   EventRecord *theEvent ;
	WindowPtr	curWindow ;
	switch( theEvent->what ) {
		case updateEvt :
			BeginUpdate( (WindowPtr) theEvent->message ) ;
			SetPort( (WindowPtr) theEvent->message ) ;
			EndUpdate( (WindowPtr) theEvent->message ) ;
			break ;
	} /* end of switch on theEvent.what */


I hope the spacing looks alright on your terminals I had to redo some of it
to get it to look readable on mine.

Milt Sagen
Dept of Physics
Oregon STate U.
Corvallis, OR 97331
