eacj@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Julian Vrieslander) (02/02/88)
I am posting several new items to comp.binaries.mac. These were created by a talented young programmer named Ben Haller. CIcon Edit: a graphic editor for color icon resources (cicn's). KeyInfo: a programmer's DA that reports various data from key events. PTable: an application that displays the periodic table and the electron shell configuration of any element. New Crabs: a new, allegedly improved, rendition of the famous Crabs that crawl all over your screen and eat your windows. Most of these are shareware. Bear in mind that Ben is a hard-working high school student (!), who is hoping to raise a few extra bucks to buy a LaserWriter. Whew, how times change. When I was his age I was trying to scrape up money for... ummm, never mind. -- Julian Vrieslander (607) 255-3594 Neurobiology & Behavior, W250 Mudd Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853 UUCP: {cmcl2,decvax,rochester,uw-beaver,ihnp4}!cornell!batcomputer!eacj ARPA: eacj@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu BITNET: eacj@CRNLTHRY